
Nodal Officer for Deputation of West Bengal Police

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Special Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General of Police (Headquarters), West Bengal will now work as the Nodal Officer in respect of all cases of Central Deputation/ Foreign Deputation/ Deputation to any State Government other than Government of West Bengal.


Police Order No. 03 of 2013

It is felt that the details of police officers and personnel posted on deputation to units outside West Bengal Police are presently not being maintained in a comprehensive manner at the West Bengal Police Directorate. In modification of all previous orders and practices in this connection, it is ordered that Special Inspector General & Deputy Inspector General of Police (Headquarters), West Bengal will now work as the Nodal Officer in respect of all cases of Central Deputation/ Foreign Deputation/ Deputation to any State Government other than Government of West Bengal and deputation to any non-police unit within the state of West Bengal up to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police. However, the service matters of different ranks will continue to be maintained in the respective Sections and supervision will be done by the designated senior officers working in West Bengal Police Directorate as per existing distribution of work. A centralized list of all postings on deputation will be maintained with the Nodal Officer with all details like posting notification/ G.O., release details, scheduled date of return of the concerned officer/ police personnel. A monthly Status Report will be collected by the Org. Section of West Bengal Police Directorate from concerned Sections and the statement showing such details will be updated and placed before the Nodal officer every month. The Nodal Officer will coordinate with concerned units/ sections as and when required for any deputation related matter as may be endorsed by the Director General & Inspector General of Police, West Bengal.

Sd/- Naparajit Mukherjee
Director General of Police
West Bengal

Police Order No. 03 of 2013