Procedure/ Guidelines for nomenclature of Road/ Bridge/ Culvert Projects and Preparation of project estimate.
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department (Roads Wing)
Planning Branch
Nabanna, Howrah – 711102
No. 1M-03/16/696-R/PL Date: 15.06.2017
Sub: Procedure/ Guidelines for nomenclature of Road/ Bridge/ Culvert Projects and Preparation of project estimate.
In the Road Sector Projects being submitted to the Department, it has been observed that there are lot of defects in the project estimate, such as
a) The nomenclature of the project is not in proper manner
b) The name of the proposed road is not in conformity with PWD’s published road name.
c) The overall length of the road is not as per PWD’s published road length.
d) Sometimes specification of work is included with the project name.
e) Nature of work is not clearly mentioned in the project.
f) Present condition of road is not mentioned
g) Reason for Re – sectioning of existing hard crust, providing Guard wall, Surface drain, is not mentioned.
h) Huge quantity of earth work is being proposed, without Pre level & Post level measurement.
i) Huge quantity of bituminous profile corrective course is being proposed, without pre level & post level measurement, and without any proper justification.
After careful consideration of all aspects, it has been decided that following guidelines have to be strictly followed in addition to related IRC Codal provisions and related other Government Orders:
a) The nomenclature of road/ bridge/ culvert project should be in the following manner:
(i) Road Project:
Name of road – location of work or stretch of work – nature of work like Widening and strengthening or Improvement of Riding Quality or Strengthening or Surfacing – name of division – name of district.
(ii) Bridge Project:
Bridge over river or canal (i.e. name of river or canal) – Location or Chainage of road with the name of road – nature of work like Reconstruction or New Construction or Repair or Rehabilitation – name of division – name of district.
(iii) Culvert Project:
Culvert over canal (i.e. name of canal if available) – Location or Chainage of road with the name of road – nature of work like Reconstruction or New Construction or Repair or Rehabilitation – name of division – name of district.
(b) No specification of work should be included in the nomenclature of project.
(a) The name of the road and overall length of the road for proposed project should be in conformity with the PWD’s notified road name and its overall length.
(b) Existing condition of Road/ Bridge/ Culvert is to be stated in the estimate.
(c) All type of road work require pavement soil investigation, traffic survey and pavement design as per latest IRC Codal provisions.
(d) After designing the pavement, if it is found that there is adequate sub base and base course thickness in the existing hard crust, then only, the road can be selected for surfacing work otherwise not. Surfacing work means overall thickness of bituminous wearing course is less than 40 mm.
(e) Surfacing work should not contain more than 15% of surface area as bituminous profile corrective course (PCC). If it is found that PCC is more than 15% of surface area as per pre level & proposed post level, the nomenclature of work should be either Improvement of Riding Quality or strengthening.
(f) Non bituminous layers i.e. Sub Base & Base Course of any road project should be designed for 15 years design life, with the help of latest IRC Codal provisions, and as stage construction, bituminous layer and its wearing course should be designed for 5 years design life with the help of IRC Codal provisions.
(g) Rigid pavement should be designed for 30 years design life, as per latest IRC Codal provisions.
(h) Earth work should be calculated on the basis of Pre level and proposed Post Level. If carried earth work is provided in the estimate, justification for providing carried earth work from Superintending Engineer and Zonal Chief Engineer level is required.
(i) 20 mm and 10 mm size stone aggregate should be used in the rate analysis of all concrete works.
(j) If Re – sectioning of existing hard crust, rigid pavement, mastic work and drain is provided in the estimate, then specific recommendation in support of such inclusion is required from Superintending Engineer and Zonal Chief Engineer level.
(k) If removal of exiting bituminous layer is provided in the estimate to increase sub base and base course layer as per pavement design, and where thickness of existing bituminous layer is more than 70 mm (50 mm Bituminous Macadam or Dense Bituminous Macadam + 20 mm Premix Carpet & Seal Coat or Mix Seal Surface) and where there is no symptom of distress in the existing bituminous layer and sub grade failure; justification for removing bituminous layer should be provided along with the failure history of the road and with specified recommendation from Zonal Chief Engineer.
This order will take immediate effect.
Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Principal Secretary
Public Works Department