Many of the Medical colleges did not submit the report from 1st to 28th March 2012 resulting in disruption in gathering of the report. Following is the list.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhavan, A- wing, 3rd floor
GN- 29, Sector- V, Salt Lake Kolkata- 700091
Memo No. H/SFWB/DR/332, Dated: 30.03.2012
The Director, Medical Education
Swasthya Bhavan, Kolkata- 700091
Sub: Non submission/ intermittent submission of Daily report in respect of Maternal and Infant death
Ref: Memo No. H/SFWB/263(18)/1(41) dated 14/03/2012
This is for your kind information that SMS based daily reporting had been initiated on and from 25/02/2012 in respect of Maternal/ Infant death and institutional delivery. The Superintendent of different public health institutions including the Medical Colleges where delivery is being taking place had been oriented in a workshop on 24/02/2012. Besides details guidelines had already been percolated vide Memo No. H/SFWB/263 (18) dated 14/03/2012. Now it has been observed that many of the Medical colleges did not submit the report al all or submitted intermittently from 1st to 28th March 2012 resulting in disruption in gathering of the report. The list of defaulting Medical Colleges is placed below for your kind perusal.
Sl No. | Name of the Medical College | Number of days report submitted from 1st to 28th March 2012. |
1 | SSKM | 00 |
2 | NRS | 00 |
3 | Sagar Dutta | 00 |
4 | JNM, Kalyani | 01 |
5 | Bankura Sammelani | 01 |
6 | North Bengal | 06 |
7 | Calcutta National | 06 |
8 | R.G.Kar | 16 |
9 | Medinipur | 16 |
10 | Kolkata MCH | 21 |
11 | Bardhaman | 23 |
You are requested to instruct the Principal of defaulting Medical Colleges so that they will submit the report regularly.
Addl. Director of Health Service
State family Welfare Officer