
Notice for Book Publishers of Class XI and XII for 2016-2018

Higher Secondary Education,

Books on elective subjects and subjects under Core curriculum will be accepted for allotment of TB Nos. The portions in the syllabus of Council deviating from the Core Curriculum should be dealt with special attention.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No: DS(ACA)/NF_2411_1/2015 Date: 24.11.2015


Subject: NOTE FOR THE PUBLISHERS For 2016-2018 Class XI & XII books

1. Books on elective subjects and subjects under Core curriculum will be accepted for allotment of TB Nos. The portions in the syllabus of Council deviating from the Core Curriculum in these subjects should be dealt with special attention.

2. There is no Chapter wise page limit. However, the chapters should be as per the demand of the topic and should not be unnecessarily lengthened and the book submitted should have a proportionate and even presentation of all the topics in the syllabus for that particular subject.

3. Books may be both in black & white and colour, and size of the book must be

1/8th Double Crown ( 7.25″ X 9.5″ ) for Geography,

1/8th Double Demy ( 8.5″ X 11″ ) for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science and Accountancy

Royal ( 6″ X 9.5″ ) for all other subjects

and the page limit specified for that subject should be strictly followed. Please note that, in case of page limit and book size. the tolerance level on our part will be zero and the books under core curriculum should also follow the subject-wise page limit. All the pages ( containing subject matter) in the book must be numbered and there should not be any extra pages ( with roman numbers or without any number ) in the book.

4. Books should be printed with clear legible fonts so that readers would not face any discomfort in reading.

5. Question Pattern as mentioned in the books on question pattern published by the Council or in the website is to be followed, which might change with proper notification well ahead.

6. Regarding subjects with project, the publishers are hereby strictly instructed to give only a brief project outline within 4 pages. The project outline may have the following points: 1) Introduction, 2) Methodology undertaken, 3) Experimental data, 4) Analysis and 5 ) Conclusion. No sample project should be given.

7. The Council would start accepting books from 4th of January, 2016 and the last date of submission of text books for getting approval from the Council would be 29th of February, 2016. The Council strongly discourages any request for extension of last date. Please note that, books won’t be accepted after the last date even if the draft have been submitted before the last date.

8. Fees to be deposited at the time of submission of books – Rs. 7,000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand) only per book through Bank Draft/ Bankers cheques drawn in favour of “West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education” payable at Kolkata.

9. Copies of books to be submitted – 02 copies of each book and each version. 01 copy is to be submitted without any mention of author or publisher. Please note that, books or the fees submitted won’t be returned by Council for the disqualified books.

10. All communication with Council must be done from publisher’s end only. The author of any book should not contact any staff or officer of the Council. He/She may communicate with the Hon’ble President of Council through the publisher in writing. In case of violation, the book concerned will be disqualified at that instant.

11. The Council discourages use of photographs of any current or historical personalities and use of unnecessary photographs, references and footnotes in the book.

12. Documents to be submitted at the time of submission:

a) Authenticated certificate by the Publishers’ Association (if the Publisher is a member of any Publishers’ Association)

b) Current Trade Licence Certificate

c) Current Tax Receipts (Professional Tax, Trade Tax, Sales Tax, Income Tax)

13. 8 copies of each book in each version are to be submitted after getting T.B. No. from the Council and before marketing the same. There should not be any deviation ( in any form ) in the copy being marketed from the marketing copy submitted at the Council. No extra booklet should be supplied to the students along with the book. In case, the publisher violates any of the conditions mentioned in the “Declaration from Publisher” after getting the TB No, that particular TB No will be immediately cancelled.

14. The publishers are being requested not to make any changes in the contents or setup of the books in which the Council had already allotted TB No during last two years. In case, the publishers wants to make any betterment in the book, the book has to be submitted to the Council and the book would be treated as a new submission in all respects.

15. Hard Copy of the notification may be collected from the Academic Section of the Council.

Given below are the subject-wise maximum page limits for Class XI & XII books (2016-2018)

Sl NoSubjectsMaximum Page Limit
1Physics, Chemistry, Biological Science600
4Economics, Business Studies400
5All Other Elective Subjects325

Sd/- Deputy Secretary (Academic)

No. DS(ACA)/NF_2411_1 dated 24.11.2015, Source

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