
Notification regarding Blood Bank in Hospitals


Sixty percent of the revenue collected by the Blood Banks and retained by the respective RKS, will be utilized exclusively for the use of the Blood Banking activities, by the Hospital Authorities.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Strategic Planning & Sector Reform Cell
Swasthya Bhawan

No. HF/SPSRC/1/2001/196 Date: 17.07.2015


G. O. No. HF/O/MS/984/W-10/2001 dt. 22.10.2014 allowed free diagnostics, pathology, therapeutic, Surgeries and beds in all the Primary and Secondary Hospitals of the State of West Bengal and all the User Charges imposed in the Primary and Secondary Hospitals by virtue of the G.O. no. HF/O/MS/121/W-10/2001 DT. 18.03.2002 was withdrawn. But the State owned Blood Banks in these Hospitals including the Tertiary care Hospitals still generate a substantial amount of revenue by collecting processing charges for the whole Blood and its components and supply of discarded/ excess Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) as per provision of memo no. HF/O/MS/1121/W-63/2014 DT. 08.12.2014 of the MS branch of this Department and agreement and subsequent amendment between SBTC, WB and Reliance Life Science Pvt. Ltd. dated 03.12.2014 and 18.03.2015 respectively. In terms of G.O. No. HF/SPSRC/1/2011/192 DT. 26.07.2011, total 60% of the revenue so generated is retained by the respective RKS (Rogi Kalyan Samiti) of the Hospital/MCH concerned and 40% is transferred to the corpus fund of the Parent Society at present.

The issue of inadequate financial support to Blood Banks to meet the requirement of licensing conditions particularly CMC/ AMC of equipments, calibration of equipments and emergency purchases of consumables for Blood Banks has been examined by the Government and after careful consideration of resource gaps, this department has decided to order that Sixty percent (60%) of the revenue collected by the Blood Banks and retained by the respective RKS, will be utilized exclusively for the use of the Blood Banking activities, by the Hospital Authorities.

Blood Banks shall submit the indent to the Member Secretary of RKS for sanction of funds/ procurement of required items from time to time. To meet the requirement of Blood Banks, additional funds may be sanctioned from District Health & Family Welfare Samiti/ West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti out of 40% corpus funds, if RKS funds are exhausted.

A separated code of item of Expenditures for the Blood Bank is being added in the Annexure to the notification no. HF/SPSRC/1/2011/250 DT. 23.06.2014 as follows:

1.22. Item of Expenditures for the Blood Bank

A. Description:

  1. AMC/CAMC of the equipments, where applicable
  2. Repair of the Blood Bank equipments which are not covered under AMC/CAMC
  3. Calibration of the equipments
  4. Procurement of minor equipments, furniture etc.
  5. Procurement of Blood testing Kits, Reagents, consumables etc.
  6. procurement of contingency items
  7. Any other life-saving activity in connection with the Blood Banking and the Blood Transfusion services.
  8. Hiring of vehicle /mobility support for Voluntary Blood Donation Camp.
  9. Transport costs of Blood Bags/Kits/Reagents etc from State or District store to the facility concerned.
  10. Any activity of the Blood Bank for which either no earmarked fund is available always from any other source or the available fund remains inadequate.

B. Remarks:

The above mentioned list is only indicative in nature and not an exhaustive one.

The delegation of Administrative & Financial Power Bye-Laws of the samities as laid down in the Annexure to the notification no. HF/SPSRC/1/2011/250 DT. 23.06.2014 will remain the same.

By order of Governor

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Deptt. of H&FW

No. HF/SPSRC/196 dated 17.07.2015, Source

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