
Implementation of One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) Scheme

Food and Supplies, 👁️ 423

Government of West Bengal in F&S Department has decided to participate in nationwide One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) scheme. Through this scheme, NFSA beneficiaries can lift foodgrain anywhere in India through Aadhaar based Biometric Authentication.

Government of West Bengal
Food & Supplies Department
11/A, Mirza Galib Street, Kolkata-700087
IT Cell, Mail id- itcfsdwb@gmail.com

No: 2458-FNS-17014/1/2021-IT SEC Dated: 29/7/2021


It has been decided by the Government of West Bengal to implement “The One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC)” Plan under the scheme of Integrated Management of Public Distribution System (IM-PDS) aims to implement nation -wide portability in the distribution of subsidized food grains to eligible ration card holders under NFSA who migrate / move across States / UTs in search of temporary employment /work or other reasons and gets deprived from accessing their quota of subsidized food grains, since the ration card is tagged to a particular FPS in home State/ UT.

On implementation of this, the ration card holders under NFSA whose ration card has been linked with Aadhaar and validated shall be able to lift / receive their entitled quota of subsidized food grains from any e-PoS enabled FPS of their choice, anywhere in the country, by using their existing ration card issued in the home State/ UT after establishing their identity through Aadhar based biometric authentication on e-PoS device.

To make the scheme successful, all FPS dealers, situated in West Bengal is required to make available their ePoS online at scheduled operational hours in all transaction day mandatorily. All foodgrain distribution should be done through online mode of ePoS, so that every transactional data should be stored in online server and NFSA beneficiaries going outside West Bengal and want to draw foodgrains from any FPSs outside West Bengal can draw the same without any hindrance. Besides, NFSA beneficiaries coming from outside West Bengal and intending to draw their entitled foodgrains from any FPSs of the State should be given the entitled quantity of foodgrain after successful Aadhaar based Biometric Authentication.

Now the Governor is pleased to implement ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ (ONORC) Plan in West Bengal with immediate effect.

All concerned stakeholders are requested to take necessary action accordingly. Action Points and Standard Operating Procedure is annexed herewith.

to the Government of West Bengal

Standard Operating Procedure for Online Transaction through ePoS and distribution of foodgrain under ONORC scheme.


Government of West Bengal in F&S Department has decided to participate in nationwide One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) scheme. Through this scheme, NFSA beneficiaries can lift foodgrain anywhere in India through Aadhaar based Biometric Authentication. All ePoS installed at FPSs have to transact through online mode only as per mandate of ONORC scheme.

Activities to be accomplished by the Fair Price Shop (FPS) Dealer-

i) In all transaction days, FPS dealer needs to start ePoS immediately at the scheduled opening time of FPS.

ii) FPS should keep ePoS online during full operational hours.

iii) FPS dealers are not required to download data every day as ePoS will sync with
Automation server at the time of every transaction and beneficiary details, allocation figure, Aadhaar and mobile seeding status will be fetched from Automation server through online mode.

A. For the beneficiary whose Ration cards are tagged with the FPS

i) Beneficiary will come to FPS for food grain and produce his/her Ration card. His/her Ration card details will be captured in ePoS.

ii) After that, details of all family members as per Ration card database stored in online server will be displayed in ePoS.

iii) Details of Aadhaar seeding and validation status will also be shown against all the members of the family.

iv) To lift his/her ration from FPS the beneficiary whose Ration card is linked with Aadhaar and validated needs to put his/her finger on ePoS machine to capture the finger print for the biometric authentication.

v) If the biometric authentication fails once, mobile OTP based verification screen will appear and mobile seeding status against all the ration card holders will appear. Beneficiary have to choose mobile numbers in which he/she wants to receive OTP (He/she must carry the mobile), after selection of the same, beneficiary will receive an OTP in his/her mobile number. He/she has to give the OTP to the Dealer for OTP authentication. OTP is required to be entered within 60 seconds (1 minute).

vi) After Biometric or mobile OTP authentication, he/she will be able to receive the food grains for his/her whole family.

vii) If Biometric and /or OTP authentication fails, in that case also, food grains are to be distributed, which will be considered as unauthenticated transaction.

viii) Although food grain is to be distributed in case bio metric and mobile authentication fails, beneficiaries should be requested to seed and validate all the ration cards with Aadhaar through eKYC mechanism through ePoS within 31st August.

ix) FPS dealers may kindly note, as per ONORC scheme, beneficiary can lift food grains from any FPS of the country, so there is scope for member of a particular family to lift food grain from any FPS other than the FPS, where cards of his/her family is tagged. It may happen that available quantity (quantity left for lifting) against any family is showing lesser than their normal entitlement due to lifting of foodgrain by any of the family member from other FPS from other States. In such scenario, only remaining quantity left for lifting should be distributed. For further information, FPS dealer may contact Inspector, F&S.

B. Providing food grains to the NFSA beneficiaries coming from other States

i) A new menu in ePoS will be made available with name IMPDS along with all other menu already exist.

ii) Under IMPDS menu, Dealer need to select the option Billing and then Bill generation.

iii) An option for entering either Ration card number or Aadhaar number will appear. This data should be collected from the beneficiary coming from other State and after that, submit button to be pressed.

iv) An Aadhaar consent form will pop up and required to be agreed by the beneficiary. After that, Biometric authentication to be performed by giving fingerprint of the beneficiary in biometric scanner. If it fails due to Biometric mismatch, beneficiary can try three different finger at a stretch. If all fails, authentication screen will go back to previous screen and authentication process may be initiated again for another three attempt.

v) If Biometric authentication is successful, food grain distribution screen will appear and available quantity against the family member of that beneficiary will be shown. If it faild, food grains cannot be provided to such beneficiary.

vi) Beneficiary from other State can lift 50% food grain at a time against full entitlement of his/her family, remaining 50% can be lifted after 7 days gap if not already lifted by other family members residing in their own State.

vii) It is clarified that additional allocation of food grains, wherever applicable, will be subsequently provided to FPS shops wherever beneficiaries of other state lift food grains.

Please paste this guideline in all FPS.

**It should be noted that NFSA beneficiaries from other State can only lift food grain through Aadhaar based Biometric authentication only. There is no other mode for lifting foodgrain.

No. 2458-FNS dated 29.07.2021

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