Finance, Administrative Calendar
To facilitate the monitoring of the Targets and Achievements of Different Departments and Sub-Ordinate Offices a web-based application software namely Online Administrative Calendar Compliance Reporting System is developed.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 6058-F(Y) Dated Kolkata, the 10th August, 2015
Sub: Introduction of Online Administrative Calendar Compliance Reporting System
Government of West Bengal has introduced an Administrative Calendar System for all the Departments and offices. Different Departments and sub-ordinates Offices have to achieve their targets as per Administrative Calendar. To facilitate the monitoring of the Targets and Achievements of Different Departments and Sub-Ordinate Offices a web-based application software namely “Online Administrative Calendar Compliance Reporting System” is developed.
The online application is available in State Finance Department Portal It is expected to be an easily accessible reference point for all government activities in compliance of the Administrative Calendar published by the Government of West Bengal. The design of the software is made to be useful for supervision, monitoring, follow up and evaluation by the competent authorities.
The Directorates and other offices under Finance and Excise Department have to enter the targets, details and progress of various development activities including achievements as per Monthly Targets outlined in the Administrative Calendar.
A sensitization program on the application software is arranged on 14th August 2015 from 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM in the Conference Hall at 12th Floor. Nabanna. Departments may nominate two (2) Officers to attend the workshop. A Form for issuance of User Credentials (Login/ Password) is enclosed which may kindly be filled up and submitted during the Workshop.
Sd/- Parwez Ahmad Siddiqui
Secretary, Finance Department