
Online Application for Half Yearly Departmental Exam

Finance, ,

Online application and Issue of Letter of Identification for Half Yearly Departmental Examination is introduced with effect from Half Yearly Departmental Examination, December, 2015.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, WBA&AS Cell
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001

No. 5974-F(Y)/WB Dated: 11.12.2015


Finance Department has introduced a Web Based Version of “Service Record Monitoring System” for Constituted Cadre officers of West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service (WBA&AS) under URL http://wbaasprofile.gov.in vide Notification No. 3073-F(Y)/WB, dated 22.05.15.

To enhance the coverage of SRMS further, introduction of online application & issue of letter of identification for Half Yearly Departmental Examination has been under active consideration of this Department for some time past. After careful consideration of the matter online application & issue of letter of identification for Half Yearly Departmental Examination is hereby introduced with effect from Half Yearly Departmental Examination, December, 2015. To streamline the process the following guidelines are hereby issued in respect of online application & issue of letter of identification for Half Yearly Departmental Examination of WBA&AS officers for compliance hereafter:

  1. Officers are required to login to www.wbaasprofile.gov.in following usual procedure (entering User Name & Password). Officers need to select Apply Online – Departmental Examination-Application Entry option for online application (Refer to Instructions).
  2. Officers shall fill in application form online and click on “Apply” button to submit. A pop up message will be displayed acknowledging submission of application form and a system generated “Application ID” will be sent to the registered email ID of the officer concerned.
  3. After Application is submitted online by the Officer, the Service Record Cell, Group T of Finance Department will process and Approve/ Reject the Application as per rules through the System. Once the application is approved/ rejected the concerned Officer shall receive the intimation through email.
  4. After Approval, the officer concerned shall also be able to generate “Letter of Identification” through SRMS under Apply Online – Departmental Examination-Letter of Identification only in pdf format and take a print out of the system generated letter of identification.
  5. The concerned officer can get the Letter of Identification signed by concerned District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Head of Office/ Sub Divisional Officer/ Pay & Accounts Officer/ Treasury Officer of the respective district/ sub-division or office (corresponding to place of posting of the officer concerned) along with the seal at the appropriate place both as Issuing Officer and Attesting Officer on the system generated letter of identification.
  6. The Public Service Commission, West Bengal will allow the officer concerned to appear in the Half Yearly Departmental Examination on the basis of this signed Letter of Identification.
  7. For detailed schedule of opening & closing date of application and date of issue of letter of identification in respect of Half Yearly Departmental Examination, December, 2015 officers are directed to visit www.wbaasprofile.gov.in and ensure strict compliance accordingly.
  8. It is further stated that henceforth there is no need to send physical application to Service Record Cell (Group T) of Finance Department for appearance in Departmental Exams and no physical copy of letter of identification will be issued by the Service Record Cell.
  9. These instructions are brought to the notice of all the Administrative Departments including all Divisional Commissioners and District Magistrates, Heads of Directorate, Regional Offices and Public Sector undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies, etc. as well as Sub-Divisional Officers for compliance and guideline.

Enclo: Instructions.

Sd/- P A Siddiqui
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

Annexure to Finance Department Notification No. 5974-F(Y), dated 11.12.15.


  1. Officers are required to login to www.wbaasprofile.gov.in following usual procedure (entering User Name & Password). Officers need to select Apply Online – Departmental Examination-Application Entry option for online application.
  2. In the application form entry page items mentioned under Sl. No. 1 to 5 will be retrieved from the system database along with the month & year of examination at the top of the page.
  3. Officer concerned has to fill in Sl. No. 6 to 8 by entering appropriate information. Sl No. 9 & 10 has already been updated by the SRMS Cell based on the last published results of Half Yearly Departmental Examination, June 2015 (Public Service Commission, West Bengal Notification No. 318-PSC/Con. (B), dated 4th December, 2015.
  4. Officers will be allowed to appear in all papers in which he/she is still liable to pass as mentioned under Sl. No. 10 of the application form.
  5. After entering all relevant details on the application form officers need to click on “Apply” button at the bottom of the page. A pop up message (“Applied Successfully”) will be displayed acknowledging submission of application form and a system generated “Application Id” will be sent to the registered email id of the officer concerned.
  6. After Application is submitted online by the Officer, the Service Record Cell, Group T of Finance Department will process and Approve/ Reject the Application as per extant rules through the System. Once the application is approved/ rejected the concerned Officer shall receive the intimation through email. After Approval, the officer concerned shall also be able to generate “Letter of Identification” through SRMS under Apply Online – Departmental Examination- Letter of Identification only in pdf format and take a print out of the system generated letter of identification.
  7. Officers need to take a print out of the system generated letter of identification. This has to be signed and authenticated by the authorities mentioned at Para No.5 of Finance Department Notification No. 5974-F(Y)/WB, dated 11.12.15 for producing the same at the examination hall of Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
  8. For schedule of online application (opening & closing dates) & date of issue of letter of identification visit www.wbaasprofile.gov.in. All officers are directed to comply with the schedule strictly.

No. 5974-F dated 11.12.2015, Source