Information Technology and Electronics, Transport, Parking Charge
Government of West Bengal to introduce an Online Queue Management System for seamless movement of vehicles upto International Border Checkposts through the proposed Online Queue Management system.
Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan (1st Floor)
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700001.
No. 2568-WT/TPT-18/1/2022 Kolkata, the 12th July, 2022
Whereas it is proposed by the Information Technology & Electronics Department, Government of West Bengal to introduce an Online Queue Management System for seamless movement of vehicles upto International Border Checkposts through the proposed Online Queue Management system; and
Whereas it is being reported that the transporters/ exporters from all over the country who are exporting their goods to Bangladesh by road from various International Border Check Posts located at Indo-Bangladesh Border are facing acute problem of long travel times as well as other malpractices and at any given time there is a backlog of huge number of trucks waiting to reach India-Bangladesh Border checkposts; and
Whereas the fee structure was notified by this department vide No. 848-WT dated 16.03.2022 was for parking charges at parking facilities and no separate fee was notified for using such Online Queue Management system, and
Whereas the exporters/ transporters may book slot(s) for such seamless movement of vehicles upto International Border Check posts a fee may be imposed for usage of the software platform enabled by the IT&E Department;
Now, after careful consideration the Government of West Bengal in Transport Department orders that:-
Sl. No. | Type of consignment | Amount In rupees (per vehicle per entry) |
1 | Chassis/ Unloaded Trucks | Rs 5,000/- |
2. | Loaded Trucks | Rs 10,000/- |
This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their UO No. Group R/2022-2023/0108 dated 12.07.2022
This will take immediate effect.
By order of the Governor,
Rajesh Kumar Sinha
Principal Secretary