
Online Scrutiny and Verification by D.El.Ed Institutions, 2018

School Education,

Online scrutiny and verification of applications will have to be made by D.El.Ed Institutions using their User-Id and Pass-word, issued by West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 821/BPE/2018 Date: 01.06.2018


In continuation of our Notifications No. 722/BPE/2018, dated 23.05.2018 & 802/BPE/2018, dated 31.05.2018, this is to notify for the Heads of all D El Ed Institutes, affiliated to WBBPE and conducting the D El Ed Course (Regular/Face to Face) in the Session-2016-18 that the online scrutiny and verifications of applications will have to be made from their end by using their User-Id and Pass-word, issued by the Board. For such verifications they are to follow the guidelines, given below:

Sd/- Dr. R C Bagchi

No. 821-BPE dated 01.06.2018