
Opening of Schools at Secondary/ Higher Secondary Level, 2021

School Education, 👁️ 223

Academic classes for IX to XII may be held from 10-50 a.m. to 4-30 p.m. from Monday to Friday in all districts except in the hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong district.



No: 59/Pres/21 Date: 21/11/2021

All the Head of Institutions
Under W.B.B.S.E. and W.B.C.H.S.E.

Sub: Opening of Schools at Secondary/ Higher Secondary Level

On the basis of feedback received and in consultation with the stake holders, the notification issued vide No. 57/Pres/21 dated 29.10.2021 is modified to the following extent:

  1. In order to maintain the distancing norms, the academic classes for Class X and XII may be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Academic classes for class IX and XI may be held on Tuesday and Thursday. Academic study matters on alternate non-schooling days shall be looked after by the school management.
  2. Academic classes for IX to XII may be held from 10-50 a.m. to 4-30 p.m. as per schedule given above in (1), from Monday to Friday in all districts except in the hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong district. Academic classes in schools of the hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts may commence from 9-30 a.m. to 3-00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
  3. On every Saturday, there will be no academic classes for the students. Feedback session, awareness generation and orientation of the guardians are to be organized on every Saturday.

Commissioner of School Education is requested to ensure presence of Senior Education Officers in such feedback session to be held at school level on every Saturday for appropriate feedback to his end.

This arrangement will be operational immediately and shall continue until further order.

Sd/- Kalyanmoy Ganguly
President, W.B.B.S.E.

No. 59/Pres dated 21.11.2021, Source

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