Search results for: “EDUCATION ACT”

  • Employment Bank – An initiative of Government of West Bengal

    Job seekers need to visit nearest Employment Exchange within 30 days with all certificates in original for validation of Enrollment no. After validation by Employment Exchange a User Name and a Password will be sent to the Mobile Number and email address.

  • Protection of Woman against Sexual Harassment

    To depute plain clothed female police officers in the precincts of bus-stands and stops, railway stations, metro stations, cinema theatres, shopping malls, parks, beaches, public service vehicles, places of worship etc. so as to monitor and supervise incidents of eve-teasing;

  • Annual Examination of Class XI, 2013 conducted by WBCHSE

    Normal classes will not be held during the period of examinations mentioned above, so that all teachers of all the schools may be utilized for the purpose of invigilation and Examination works.

  • Mayel Lyang Lepcha Development Board

    The aims and objects of the Board shall be to undertake all necessary activities for the protection, promotion and safeguarding of the Lepcha language, tradition and culture; to undertake activities to protect historical and culturally significant landmarks of the community;

  • Inclusion of Books published by WBBSE and WBBPE in Booklist

    The Heads of the institutions are requested to ensure that books are included for studies in different classes of the recognized schools of the WBBSE from the academic year 2013 (w.e.f. 01.01.2013).

  • Strike related Government Order from Home Department

    Attempts at forcible closure of government offices, shops, markets, educational institutions, industrial establishments, etc should be firmly dealt with. All state government offices will remain open on those days and all government employees should report for duty.

  • Advisory for keeping in abeyance to Students Union Election

    With a view to preventing any untoward incidents over conduct of students’ union elections, and to ensure the maintenance of peace and tranquillity in and around educational institutions.

  • Deposit of 50% Tuition Fees by Colleges to State Govt.

    College authority shall deposit to the State Government, 50% of the tuition fees collected during an academic year and rest 50% of the tuition fees may be retained.

  • Recruitment Procedure in Christian Minority Institutions

    Recruitment procedure in the Christian minority Institutions enjoying Special Rules for management in terms of Notification No. 641-Edn dated 23.05.1974.

  • West Bengal Government’s Policy for Setting-up Private Universities

    Every applicant who desires to set up Private University in West Bengal, may apply along with application fees of Rs. One lakh. The application should also contain ten (10) copies of Detailed Project Report (DPR).