Search results for: “RESULT”

  • West Bengal Hindu Social Disabilities Removal Act, 1948

    An Act to provide for the removal of certain social disabilities suffered by some sections of Hindus.

  • Annual Academic Calendar of WBBSE, 2020

    It is mandatory for the Head of the Institution and all staff of the Schools (teaching and non-teaching) to attend the morning prayer/ assembly [10.40- 10.50 hours] and they will be marked late if they arrive after 10.50 AM.

  • Creation and Management of Workflow in an Office/ Department in HRMS

    Head of Office shall create a Nodal Officer in HRMS to create the workflow chain in his/her office if the Head of Office desires to get himself/herself relieved of the task of creating the different levels below him/her. Nodal Officer shall be a reliable senior officer.

  • The Adamas University Rules, 2018

    Without prejudice to the powers conferred by section 10 of the Act, the Visitor can through its Secretariat, summons any employee including the Chancellor of the University for the purpose of any enquiry or investigation.

  • Service Book Management of State Government Employees

    Online system of Service Book Management in respect of State Government employees. Custodian of service book. Role of the Custodian of Service Books. Scanning and uploading of Service Book by the custodian of Service Book.

  • West Bengal Law Clerks Act, 1997

    An Act to provide for the regulation and control of the system of registration and licensing, and the regulation of the practice and training, of law clerks in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

  • West Bengal Custom Milled Rice (Obligation and Control) Order, 2015

    Governor is of opinion that it is necessary and expedient to provide necessary provisions for procurement and maintaining supplies of rice and for securing its equitable distribution and availability at fair prices to agencies of the State Government by the Custom Milled Rice agency.

  • Annual Working Plan for Class XI and XII for Session, 2019-2020

    Submission of Registration Forms along with fees and Class XI Annual Examination Fees by the Institutions to the Council. – 1st phase: 13.08.2019 to 26.08.2019. 2nd phase: 11.09.2019 to 17.09.2019.

  • Online PPS/PPR of Higher Secondary Examination, 2019

    PPS/PPR of Higher Secondary Examination, 2019 can be made Online within 15 days from the date of publication of result i.e. 27.05.2019 from the WBCHSE Website.

  • Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2019-20

    The results of the West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination 2019 are expected to be announced shortly. This Department has received queries from different colleges regarding the admission modalities to be followed by them for the ensuing academic session 2019-20.