Modified Career Advancement Scheme for the State Government employees as introduced in Finance Deptt. No. 3015-F dt. 13.03.2001 as per recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission.
An Act to provide for the imposition of a water rate in areas in Bengal where water supplied by the DVC is available for irrigation and certain matters ancillary thereto and connected therewith.
West Bengal Heritage Commission will constitute an Administrative and Legal Committee in its meeting (in respect of matters of staff both redeployed employees from other Department of the Government or those engaged on contract or otherwise or any other matter of this nature)
Salaries, honorarium and other allowances, payable to and the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and other members of the Commission.
Governor has been pleased to introduce a scheme viz. Scheme for Financial Assistance to the Workers in Locked out Industrial Units (FAWLOI) with effect from 01.04.1998.