Search results for: “RTE”

  • Allotment of Fund for Non-Plan Expenditure upto March, 2014

    The Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities may make further allotment of fund up to current year’s budget provision relating to Non-Plan expenditure for Non-Salary items up to March, 2014.

  • Online Application for Education Loan (SC Students) by NSFDC

    90% of the expenditure of entire duration of the professional courses subject to maximum loan limit of up to Rs. 1.875 lakh/ per beneficiary per annum (for studying in India) and up to Rs. 3.75 lakh/ per beneficiary per annum (for studying abroad) shall be provided considering average duration of the course as four years.…

  • UTKARSHA ABHIJAN – Quality of Education in Primary Schools of WB

    A process of assessment would be taken up between the period of 9th to 21st December 2013 where a stipulated number of students, randomly selected would be taken up. Not less than 20% of all the primary schools of a district are to be covered. This assessment process is the “UTKARSHA ABHIJAN – 2013”.

  • Terms of Reference of Staffs under Adolescent Health Program and RBSK

    In order to implement Adolescent Health program and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram smoothly, the terms of reference of the various staff under Adolescent Health Program and RBSK have been developed and have been annexed herewith.

  • West Bengal Right to Public Services Rules, 2013

    Department concerned or the authority or body or institution of self government or any other Public Authority, shall maintain the current status of the applications on its website and shall update it on a daily basis.

  • West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013

    An Act to provide for the delivery of public services to the people of the State within the stipulated time limit and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

  • Guidelines of Selection of Consultant and Delegation of Power

    Policies and procedures for selection, contracting and monitoring of consultants and other professional services providers financed from the Government’s resources.

  • West Bengal Correctional Services (Amendment) Act, 2013

    Any person arrested or convicted on a charge of having committed or attempting to commit or aiding or abetting the commission of any offence, in furtherance of any political or democratic movement or public agitation, shall be classified as political prisoner.

  • D.El.Ed of Para/ Contractual Teachers, Teaching Staff of MSKs, SSKs

    Framing of programme of training (D.El. Ed) of Para/Contractual teachers, teaching staff of MSKs, SSKs under Panchayat and M.A & M.E departments and Para-Teachers through ODL mode under West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

  • Facility Based Maternal Care Policy Implementation Committee

    A High Level Task Force was constituted under the chairmanship of Dr. Tridib Banerjee towards facilitation of activities of the Department in reduction of Infant/Maternal Mortality of the state. After having made some substantial improvement in Facility Based newborn Care, it seems necessary to improve the facility based maternal care also.