
PARIJAYEE SAHAY Scheme for Migrant Workers


The new scheme called PARIJAYEE SAHAY will provide some relief to the Migrant Workers in the form of dry ration and other benefits who can not avail themselves of food grains under the Public Distribution System in West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Labour Department
New Secretariat Buildings (12th Floor)
1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No: Labr/2119/(LC-LW/MW) Date: 29.11.2021




The Judgement pronounced by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in connection with suo motu W.P. (Civil) No 6/2020 regarding Problems and Miseries of the Migrant Labourers mentions, inter alia, “……. 80 (iii) We direct the States to bring in place an appropriate scheme for distribution of dry ration to migrant labourers …….. such scheme may be continued and operated till the current pandemic (Covid-19) continues.”


The Migrant Workers during the COVID-19 pandemic are reported to have faced multiple hardships, namely, loss of income, food shortage and uncertainty of their future.

In order to ameliorate the distressed situation of the Migrant Workers coming for employment from other states to the state of West Bengal, the Governor is pleased to introduce a new scheme PARIJAYEE SAHAY to provide some relief in the form of dry ration and other benefits, as may be notified from time to time.

The details of the Scheme are given below:

1. The Scheme:

i. The new scheme called PARIJAYEE SAHAY will provide some relief to the Migrant Workers in the form of dry ration and other benefits who can not avail themselves of food grains under the Public Distribution System in West Bengal, as may be decided from time to time.

ii. Presently the Scheme will provide dry ration to the eligible Migrants at the rate of 5 kg of food grains per person per month as may be decided from time to time.

iii. The Scheme will be applicable for whole of West Bengal.

2. Eligibility:

i. The worker shall be permanent resident of any State or Union Territory other than West Bengal within India.

ii. The worker is residing in West Bengal for the purpose of employment.

iii. The worker is not availing food grains under the Public Distribution System in West Bengal.

iv. The worker is treated as Migrant Worker whether he/she is employed in West Bengal through any Contractor or not.

V. The dependant(s) of the Migrant Workers will also be eligible to get dry ration at the rate of 5 kg of food grains per person per month as may be decided from time to time provided he/she resides with the Migrant worker in West Bengal.

3. Procedure:

i. The Labour Commissionerate, West Bengal shall identify the eligible Migrant Workers and their dependants, if any, and upload the information collected on to its online portal specified for this purpose. The list of eligible workers and their dependants, if any, will be shared through an online process with the online portal of Food & Supplies Department, Government of West Bengal.

ii. The Food & Supplies Department, Government of West Bengal, upon receiving the list as mentioned above, shall issue food coupons to the eligible persons after validation on their own parameters from their end and share the same back to the online portal of Labour Commissionerate, West Bengal.

iii. The food coupons shall be handed over to the eligible workers and their dependants, if any, by the authorised officials of Labour Commissionerate, West Bengal.

iv. The Food & Supplies Department shall ensure allocation of the food grains to the specified Fair Price Shops under the Public Distribution System in West Bengal.

v. The Workers and their dependants, if any, shall avail of their monthly quota of food grains from the specified Fair Price Shops showing the physical copy of the Food Coupon issued for the purpose.

4. Nodal Department:

The Labour Department will act as Nodal Department for the purpose of implementation, monitoring, supervision and evaluation of the said Scheme.

5. The Scheme will he effective from 1st July, 2021.

This Notification is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Government of West Bengal accorded vide U. O. NO: Group L/2021-2022/0013 dtd. 23.08.2021.

Principal Secretary
Labour Department

No. Labr-2119 dated 29.11.2021, Source

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