
Pay Fixation Calculator


If the date of promotion is between 2nd July to 1st January, the fixation should be made on the same date of promotion. No need to file any option and the promotee will get normal annual increment in each year.

Here is an Excel Utility regarding the procedure of Pay Fixation per W.B.S. (ROPA), 2009 (G.O. No. 1690-F dated 23.02.09). This utility takes into consideration, the date of promotion for both the cases:

  1. If the date of promotion is between 2nd January to 30th June, it will be beneficiary to exercise an option to get the promotional fixation from 1st July i.e. the date of next annual increment.
  2. If the date of promotion is between 2nd July to 1st January, the fixation should be made on the same date of promotion. No need to file any option and the promotee will get normal annual increment in each year.

For the first case, if the promotee denies to file any option for getting the promotional fixation from 1st July or files option for getting fixation on the date of promotion the pay may be fixed on that date but the promotee will loss the next annual increment. This loss may be observed from this utility very clearly.

This utility is prepared by Somnath Das, Katwa, Burdwan, works as a U.D.C. under Judicial Department, Burdwan. For any technical query please free to contact the author at som.bindas@yahoo.com

Download: Pay Fixation Calculator

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