
Permission for Higher Study by Teaching & Non-Teaching Staffs

School Education,

Under no circumstance the Managing Committee/Adhoc Committee/Executive Committee/Administrator of the School will allow any teacher to undergo study hampering the normal course of business of the school.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091.

No. 438-SE/S/5P-19/09 Date: 19.05.2014


Subject: Permission for pursuing further study by the teaching and non-teaching staff of Non-Government Aided/Government Sponsored schools.

The School Education Department, Government of West Bengal, receives a number of cases in connection to the teachers who improved qualification with permission of the Managing Committee but no permission was received from the District Inspector of Schools. Even it is seen that the teachers completed B.Ed. and similar professional courses without receiving any permission from the District Inspector of Schools though involvement of fund is associated with the improvement of qualification or completion of professional courses. Complications are arising while granting higher scale of pay in pursuance with the orders issued in different ROPAs and provisions of the Control of Expenditure Act, 2005. A number of orders have been issued to this effect which are not sufficient to meet up the requirements. Hence, in cancellation of all previous orders partly or fully, guiding this principle only and in contravention to the Control of Expenditure Act, 2005, the Governor is pleased to direct that –

All the teachers teaching in different non-Government Aided Schools and Government Sponsored Schools will have to take prior permission from the Managing Committee/ Adhoc Committee/ Executive Committee/ Administrator of the School as the case may be to enroll themselves and to appear for any examination for enhancement or improvement of educational qualification. The Managing Committee/ Adhoc Committee/Executive Committee/ Administrator being the ‘Competent Authority’ in such cases will take a decision in its next meeting and convey its decision to the teacher concerned immediately. A copy of the decision of the Managing Committee will be forwarded to the office of the District Inspector of Schools (SE) of the concerned district. The School Authority will also send one copy of the resolution to the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education for granting special leave when it is required. Any violation of this order will be treated under the Notification No. S-18 dt. 14.01.2005 issued by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.

Under no circumstance the Managing Committee/ Adhoc Committee/ Executive Committee/ Administrator of the School will allow any teacher to undergo study hampering the normal course of business of the school. Any dispute in this regard will be forwarded to the District Inspector of Schools for clarification.

In old cases where the said Committee/ Administrator allowed for improvement of qualification and passed resolution for allowing higher scale of pay, the District Inspector of Schools will consider the cases, ignoring the clause for obtaining permission from the District Inspector of Schools if they are eligible otherwise.

Sd/- Asim Kumar Bhattacharya
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of W.B.

No. 438-SE dated 19.05.2014

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