Higher Secondary Education, Answer Scripts , PPR , PPS đī¸ 615
Only online application for P.P.S./ P.P.R. of H.S. Examination 2014 will be accepted. Candidate will have to submit Roll No and Mark Sheet No for submission of online application for PPS/ PPR, 2014 at Web Address: and
Only online application for P.P.S./ P.P.R. of H.S. Examination 2014 will be accepted.
Candidate will have to submit Roll No and Mark Sheet No for submission of online application for P.P.S./ P.P.R. 2014.
Web Address: and For PPS/PPR:
Rules for Online post publication review/post publication scrutiny of answer script of Higher Secondary Examination 2014
A Candidate appearing at H.S. Examination may apply for online Post Publication review/Post Publication scrutiny of his/her answer-script(s) within 15 days from the date of publication of the result subject to the provision as laid down hereunder.
i) Application fee for PPR is Rs.100/- (One hundred) only for each subject. Application fee for PPS is Rs.60/-(Sixty) only for each subject.
ii) Application for PPR/PPS shall be restricted to theoretical paper only.
iii) Grade secured in Environmental education shall not be taken into account in order to determine the eligibility for review and there shall be no review in Environmental education.
iv) Application for review may be made in subjects for which Post Publication Scrutiny (PPS) is not sought for.
v) Application for review may be made for a maximum of two subjects provided that the (theory) marks obtained in the subjects(s) for which review is sought for cannot be less than 20% – for Regular & Continuing.
vi) A failed candidate may seek review provided he/she obtains at least Grade C in two compulsory subjects (Language or Elective) – for Regular & Continuing.
vii) A special candidate may seek review in one subject only, provided theory marks in the subject is 20% or above.
viii) A passed candidate may seek review provided that he/she has obtained higher grade in other three subjects than the grade obtained in subject/s for which review is sought for. For review in optional elective subjects the candidate must have obtained Grade ‘F’ in the said optional elective subject – for Regular & Continuing.
ix) A candidate with overall consistency in results reflected in securing same grade i.e. O or A+ or A or B+ or B or C or P in all the subjects including optional elective subject shall not be eligible to seek review – for Regular & Continuing.
x) The duly filled online applications for post publication review/post publication scrutiny along with the fees to be submitted within fifteen days from the date of publication of the result.
xi) A candidate has the option for post publication scrutiny for all theoretical papers in which the candidate has appeared in 2014.
xii) An incomplete or incorrect application for PPR/PPS shall summarily be rejected by the Council and no enquiry or correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
xiii) No application for PPR/PPS shall be entertained beyond the specified period under any circumstances.
xiv) Results of PPR/PPS shall be communicated to the institutions concerned by the Council. Institution/Candidate may also know the result from Council’s Website.
xv) Candidate applying for review shall have to accept the results of review/scrutiny.
xvi) The above will take effect from the H.S. Examination 2014.