
Primary School Teachers as Guest Teachers in Upper Primary

School Education,

Service of existing primary school teachers may be placed in nearby New Set up Upper Primary School to teach class V until and unless the regular teachers are posted in the New Set up Upper Primary Schools.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Elementary Education Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 5th floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No. 223-SE(EE) RTE- 41/2013/P-I Dated: 24.03.2015


Whereas there is need to operationalize the “New Setup Upper Primary Schools” in West Bengal with requirement of teaching staff till such selection is completed through West Bengal School Service Commission placement of services of the primary school teacher on deputation basis in the nearby New Set up Upper Primary Schools is needed as a stop gap arrangement.

This will enable New Setup Upper Primary Schools to be operationalised from the start of the academic year by engaging required number of Teachers until formal engagement of teachers for those Schools are made upon the recommendation of WBSSC.

The modalities of placement services of the Primary school teachers will be as follows:

(i) The service of existing primary school teachers who can be spared by the concerned DPSC may be placed in nearby New Set up Upper Primary School to teach class V until and unless the regular teachers are posted in the New Set up Upper Primary Schools.

(ii) The Sub Inspector of Schools of the concerned Circle and being the Member Secretary of the Ad – hoc Committee of the New Set up Upper Primary school shall asses the requirement of teacher of the New Set up Upper Primary School as well as the availability of the teacher of the nearby primary schools.

(iii) After doing such assessment the Sub Inspector of School shall on behalf of the Ad- hoc Committee of the new set up upper primary schools place a proposal to the Chairman, DPSC of the concerned District to place the service the proposed teacher in the New Set up Upper Primary School.

(iv) The Chairman, DPSC, after getting such proposal shall place it to the SE Deptt. for approval and after obtaining the approval, place the service of the teacher on deputation basis in the new set upper primary school with an intimation to the President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education and Commissioner of School Education.

(v) The salary of the teacher whose service is placed in the new set up upper primary school shall be drawn as per existing procedure of DPSC.

(vi) In no case the primary school teacher engaged in the upper primary school shall claim any permanent engagement in the upper primary school as well as extra remuneration from any authority for his service in the upper primary school.

(vii) The leave matters of the teacher engaged in the upper primary school during the deputation period shall be maintained as per the leave Rules of the teaching and non teaching staffs of the Primary Schools.

(viii) Other service matters will be maintained as per existing rules of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education/ DPSC.

Sd/- Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 223-SE dated 24.03.2015