
Permission to Appear in Interview by WBHRB

Health, 👁️ 207

All Medical Officers are informed that they have to obtain proper permission from the appointing authority before applying or appearing in interview conducted by WBHRB.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
Directorate of Health Services
Wing-B, 2nd Floor, Swasthya Bhawan,
GN 29, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700091

Memo. No. HPT/32M-57-16/A/3210 Dated: 14.06.2016


It is observed that the Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health Service & the West Bengal Public Health cum Administrative Service under the Department of Health & Family Welfare are applying or appearing in interview for recruitment in any post conducted by West Bengal Health Recruitment Board without taking proper permission from their appointing authority as well as submission of the same to West Bengal Health Recruitment Board. It is also observed that they use to submit a prayer for seeking such permission in the receipt section under this Directorate with acknowledgement and use to submit such acknowledgement to West Bengal Health Recruitment Board as document in favor of permission from the department.

But, as per Rule 19 of West Bengal Service Rules, Part I:

(1) A Government employee shall not apply for an appointment in another office or department of Government or under another Government unless the head of such office or department or such other Government has invited application for the post.

(2) A Government employee must submit his application for such an appointment through his appointing authority who shall decide whether he may be permitted to apply.

Again, it is also to be mentioned that as per Section 4 of the West Bengal State Health Service Act, 1990 read with subsequent amendments:

(1) In Sub section (1): No person appointed to the West Bengal Medical Education Service or the West Bengal Public Health-cum- Administrative Service shall be transferred to West Bengal Health Service.

(2) In Sub section (2): No person appointed to the West Bengal Health Service or the West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Service shall be transferred to the West Bengal. Medical Education Service.

In view of the above, all Medical Officers of the West Bengal Health Service & the West Bengal Public Health cum Administrative Service are hereby informed that they have to obtain proper permission from the appointing authority before applying or appearing in interview for recruitment in any post conducted by West Bengal Health Recruitment Board/ any other board /Selecting Authority and to obtain such permission they have to submit the application for the same by hand to the Dy. DHS (Admin) in due time with acknowledgement under his/her direct supervision in order to initiate immediate processing of the application.

They are also informed that if they are permitted to apply or to appear in interview for recruitment in such post by the appointing authority and they are finally selected for recruitment in such posts, they have to tender resignation from their existing post and subsequently they will be able to join in the new post provided their resignation is accepted by the department as per provision laid in the West Bengal Service Rules time to time.

Sd/- B. Satpathy
Director of Health Services & e.o. Secretary
to Govt. of West Bengal

No. HPT-3210 dated 14.06.2016

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