Necessary permission is given to accord Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction, float tender and start execution process for sub-projects upto Rs. 5 lakh within the project of Paray Samadhan Program created by PSPM Department.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch, Group-T
File No. 69604
No. 77-F(Y) Date: 8th January, 2021
Subject: Procedure for execution of “Paray Samadhan Program”.
Finance Department has previously issued Memo No. 1-F(Y) dated 02.01.2021 assigning DFPR upto Rs. 1 Crore to all non works Deptt (except UDMA Deptt which is having DFPR of Rs. 3 Crore) for Paray Samadhan Program.
2. Now to facilitate faster execution of projects under “Paray Samadhan Program”, following arrangements under delegation of financial powers are hereby made:
i) The Assistant engineers and Sub-Assistant Engineers are hereby delegated financial power towards Tender Acceptance and Technical Sanction to the tune of Rs. 15 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh respectively.
ii) Necessary permission is given to the following authorities to accord Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction, float tender and start execution process for sub-projects upto Rs. 5 lakh within the project of “Paray Samadhan Program” created by PSPM Department:
iii) Planning and Statistics and Program Monitoring (PSPM) Department will accord Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction of “Paray Samadhan Program” of Rs 50 lakh for each district in anticipation of detail project report from the district authority and release the same to the each district. After receiving the fund, the concerned District Magistrate shall sub-allot the fund to the respective executing agencies within the released fund available to them under “Paray Samadhan Program”. For subsequent requisition of fund, the concerned district authority will periodically submit requirement of funds to the PSPM Department based on vetted estimates and actual expenditure incurred. The PSPM Department will accord necessary revised administrative approval and financial sanction for the approved program. After completion of the program the district authority shall submit detail project wise statement [as per Annexure -A] to the PSPM Department for necessary record.
iv) District Magistrates are also authorized to float tender on vetted estimates of projects beyond Rs. 5 lakh and upto Rs. 50 lakhs only through the line departments or Municipal Engineering Directorate (MED) and shall send the project proposals with all necessary documents to the competent authority of the line department for necessary Administrative Approval and Release of fund. Work order will be issued by District Officers of the line departments only after getting administrative approval from the department.
v) Before starting the tender process the concerned authority will ensure that vetted estimate of the project is complete in all respect. All relevant Rules, Regulations, Provisions and formalities regarding estimate preparation, vetting, tender etc must be strictly observed.
vi) This order is applicable for “Paray Samadhan Program” only.
Enclo: Annexurc- A
Sd/- Principal Secretary
to the Govt of West Bengal