1 | Scheduling accommodations (Adjustments to the time allowance or scheduling of test through extended and/or compensatory time, breaks) | Allow extra time for completion of exams (60 minutes for 3 hours examination) |
2 | Presentation accommodations (adjustments to the presentation of test material and/ or test directions) | Allow the usage of a magnifying glass for Visually impaired candidates. |
3 | Verbal instruction for examinations to be written on blackboard of exam room |
4 | Clarification of examination directions, Colour naming (for students with colour blindness) |
5 | Provision of Access of sign language interpreters |
6 | Provision of Reader to read the question paper in case student with disability does not want scribe facility, and mentioning the guidelines for the same (limiting the role of the reader only for reading the paper, qualifications of the reader) |
7 | Response accommodations (adjustments to the manner in which students respond to or answer test questions) | Allow the usage of sketch pens for writing exams for Visually Impaired candidates. |
8 | Allow the usage of a calculator (or talking calculator for Visually Impaired candidates) |
9 | Assistive devices permitted during the exam for disabled students |
10 | Provision of a scribe to write the answers/ interpreter |
11 | Provide specific instructions regarding usage of a scribe (permission of changing the scribe, qualifications of the scribe) |
12 | Permission for the candidate to take the examination in a hospital under supervision |
13 | Permission for the presence of the caregiver inside the examination room during the exam. |
14 | Send the answer book of candidates with disabilities separately to the concerned office |
15 | Provide a relaxation in attendance upto 20% for candidates with disability who are unable to attend the school for prescribed days to qualify for writing the exam |
16 | Waive examination fees for certain categories of disability |
17 | No Maximum Age Limit |
18 | Seating accommodations (adjustments in the environment in which the testing normally occurs) | Make arrangements for different rooms, chairs, Table/ Bench etc for certain categories of disability (physical impairment, spastic students) |
Total no. of concessions offered by Council | 18 |