
Public Private Partnership (PPP) Experts Required


Applications are invited for Public Private Partnership Expert, Financial Expert, Legal & Regulatory Expert, with expertise in PPP Projects.


No. 244/JS(PY)/FD(PPP) Date: 28.01.2013


Finance Department, Government of West Bengal invites applications for the following positions, with expertise in Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects:

  1. Public Private Partnership Expert;
  2. Financial Expert;
  3. Legal and Regulatory Expert.

The appointment will be on contract basis for a period of 11 months. The contract may be renewed for upto 4 more terms on successful service delivery.

The job qualifications, requisite experience and remuneration etc. for the above-mentioned posts is given in details in the website of Finance Department, Government of West Bengal. Retired personnel with relevant experience in PPP projects may also apply. Experience in handling PPP projects in the Government Sector/ Banking Sector/ PSUs is desired.

The last date of submission of application is 21st February, 2013 by 4 P.M. to be addressed to Principal Secretary (Finance), Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001. The envelopes should be marked Application for the post of “PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP EXPERT”. The candidates are required to submit their CVs and experience certificate in the format given for this purpose in the Finance Department website.

Joint Secretary (PPP Cell)
Finance Department
Government of West Bengal


A. Remuneration:

The experts will be offered a monthly consolidated salary of Rs. 60,000/- per month inclusive of taxes and mobile reimbursement upto Rs. 1000/- per month.


1. PPP Expert: The expert will be responsible for the following activities

I. Reviewing and ensuring the quality of financial analysis, risk management analysis and protoclols and demand projection of all project providers for PPP funding.

II. Developing, maintaining and continuously updating all financial projections for relevant PPP projects/ programs.

III. Providing on-the-job training to staff members, and developing capacity to understand and appraise financial implications and risk modeling in PPP project proposals.

IV. Sensitizing entities to appropriate bridge financial mechanisms (such as the Viability Gap Fund scheme) and other government programmes.

V. Reviewing and analyzing projects received by PPP Cell and assessing their capacity to prepare PPP projects in infrastructure and access the scheme.

VI. Assisting with PPP Policy development; and

VII. Working on Reports & MIS etc.

Qualifications & Experience Sought: The consultant should have 5 years or above of professional experience in developing and managing PPPs. Retired personnel with relevant experience in PPP projects may also apply. Experience in handling PPP projects in the Government Sector/ Banking Sector/ PSUs is desired. He or she should have Engineering/ Finance/ MBA/ CA degree with the following qualifications and expertise-

I. Familiarity with the PPP methodology;

II. Demonstrated familiarity with the formulation, appraisal and approval procedures for PPP project;

III. Demonstrated familiarity with complex project agreements, tending arrangements, detailed legal and contractual agreements, risks management and contingent liability issues, and financial analysis of complex project proposals with respect to PPP projects;

IV. Demonstrated expertise in infrastructure development financing; and

V. Familiarity with relevant policy and regulatory frameworks in the order to enable the delivery of efficient infrastructure services. Familiarity with capital management, and similar areas is considered essential.

2. Financial Expert: The financial expert will be responsible for the following

I. Build capacity within central and statement government administrative departments to understand financial modeling of PPP infrastructure projects and in particular the development of public sector comparators.

II. Develop and build capacity to develop the public sector comparator to determine comparable risk-adjusted cost indicators for public project delivery in the infrastructure sector, with a view to enabling its application to possible projects to be proposed for Viability Gap Funding (VGF).

III. Develop and build the capacity to develop financial models (9including sensitivity analysis) to determine the likely value of private sector bids by applying both project finance principles to estimate the need for and extent of PPP viability enhancement mechanisms for selected projects in the infrastructure sector.

IV. Advise union and state governments on innovative ways to structure financing and reforms related to infrastructure investments in PPP mode so as to minimize costs, maximize efficiency of implementation, and ensure financial sustainability.

V. Development an inventory of all sources of finance for infrastructure investments and assist in exploring alternate long-term options available for financing infrastructure in the states, focusing on options appropriate for PPP projects.

VI. Build capacity on appropriate viability enhancement mechanisms (in particular, output-based aid) for creating sustainable PPPs in infrastructure.

VII. Build capacity to assess financial risks relating to PPPs in infrastructure.

VIII. Maintain active dialogue with potential sources of financing and encourage broad-based support for PPP schemes, in particular the viability gap financing arrangement.

IX. Conduct workshops with stakeholders from both the public and the private sector to ensure widespread understanding of the public sector comparator concepts.

X. Help assess the intention, ability, and capacity of proponents to access the VGF, as well as initial sensitization to the VGF.

XI. On request from the state government or administrative ministry at the center, provide financial guidance and assistance in managing the PPP project development process by interfacing with the financial consultants for the project in the preparation of financial documents for projects that could potentially be posed for VGF.

XII. Provide other necessary support as required in the Project.

Qualifications & Experience Sought: The financial expert will have a MBA (Fin)/ C.A. degree with expertise in management/finance/accounting, and extensive experience and training in infrastructure finance. Prior experience with use and/or capacity building with public sector comparators will be required. Retired personnel with relevant experience in PPP projects may also apply. Experience in handling PPP projects in the Government Sector/ Banking Sector/ PSUs is desired. Experience in evaluating and financing infrastructure investments from a Government/ private sector view, project finance, PPPs and resource mobilization, will be an advantage.

i) valuation of contingent liabilities, and

ii) government accounting practices in India.

3. Legal and Regulatory Expert: The financial expert will be responsible for the following-

I. assess all PPP proposals and possible projects from a legal perspective, including giving recommendations on how to resolve any issues;

II. formulation and vetting of Concession agreements and other legal documents

III. provide expert opinion on the prevailing legal and regulatory environment, including identifying key bottlenecks in the regulatory environment related to PPP interventions in infrastructure;

IV. provide legal opinions on all matters that have to do with legal aspects of the PPP projects;

V. provide necessary support in facilitating and simplifying legal and procedural frameworks in the work of the PPP cell;

VI. build the capacity of the entity to better understand the legal ramifications in, for example, model concession templates, special purpose vehicles, competition and regulation mechanisms etc.;

VII. advise on legal issues related to competitive bidding and transparency in PPP processes; and

VIII. review guidelines and documents on procurement, contracting, safeguards, compliance, etc. that have to do with PPP projects.

Qualifications & Experience Sought: The legal expert will have a graduate degree in law and at least 15 years experience, preferably in a PPP context. Retired personnel with relevant experience in PPP projects may also apply. Experience in handling PPP projects in the Government Sector/ Banking Sector/ PSUs is desired. Demonstrated familiarity with the legal issues surrounding PPPs and how to avoid possible pitfalls. Legal drafting skills are a plus. Familiarity with prior cases involving any failures in PPPs in any jurisdiction is helpful, and experience in both public and private sectors is an advantage.

No. 244/JS dated 28.01.2013, Source

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