You are requested to pass necessary instructions so that schools will re-open after Puja holidays on 27th October, 2014. The matter has been discussed with Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Bidhannagar
Kolkata – 700 091
Tel.No. 033-2334-2228, Fax No. 033-2337-6561
No. 502-SSE/14 Dated, Kolkata, the 26th September, 2014
From: Arnab Roy,
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal,
To: The President,
West Bengal Board of Primary Education,
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan, DK-7/1, Sec-II, Salt Lake,
Kolkata-700 091
Sub: Re-opening of schools after Puja holidays.
Kindly refer to the above.
You are requested to pass necessary instructions so that schools will re-open after Puja holidays on 27th October, 2014.
The matter has been discussed with Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Arnab Roy
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal