
Rate Chart of Text Books of Madrasah for Class IX & X, 2017

Madrasah Education,

Rate Chart of Text Books published by West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education for classes IX & X for Academic Session 2017, which are available at the Sales Counter of the Board.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

Memo No. 216/Aca/17 Date: 16/02/2017


All concerned are hereby informed that the Board has published fifteen titles of Text Books for classes IX & X for Academic Session 2017. The Rate Chart of Text books is as follows:

Sl NoName of the BooksClassTypes of MadrasahMedium of MadrasahPrinted Price per Books Rs.
1Bangla Byakaran O NirmitiIXHigh & SeniorBengali45.00
2Arbi PathIXHigh MadrasahBengali26.00
3Arbi PathIXSr. MadrasahBeng & Urdu27.00
4Islam ParichayIXHigh MadrasahBengali17.00
5Islamer ItihasIXHigh & SeniorBengali17.00
6Arbi PathXHigh MadrasahBengali22.00
7Arbi PathXSr. MadrasahBeng & Urdu21.00
8Islam ParichayXHigh MadrasahBengali22.00
9Islamer ItihasXHigh & SeniorBengali22.00
10Arbi PathIXHigh MadrasahUrdu26.00
11Arbi PathXHigh MadrasahUrdu21.00
12Islamer ItihasIXHigh & SeniorUrdu27.00
13Islamer ItihasXHigh & SeniorUrdu26.00
14Life Science & EnvironmentXSr. MadrasahBengali34.00
15Phy Science & EnvironmentXSr. MadrasahBengali28.00

Any agency/ Madrasah/ individual may purchase the above mentioned textbooks from the Sales Counter of the Board at 20% rebate on Printed Price.

The enlistment of the above mentioned textbooks in the book list of all recognised Madrasahs are compulsory. The Heads of the Madrasahs are requested to submit the Book List for academic session 2017 to the Academic Department of the Board at an early date.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal board of Madrasah Education

No. 216/Aca dated 16.02.2017