
Rate of Cooking Cost of Mid-Day Meal, 2014

School Education,

The rate of Cooking Cost per child per school day (PCPD) as provided by the Central Government and State Government has been revised with effect from 01.07.2014.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Mid Day Meal Section
Plot 7/1, Block-DK, Salt Lake, Sector – II
Karunamoyee, KoIkata-91

No. 358(26)-SE(CMDMP)/Genl-11/2011 Date: 17.06.2014

Shri N.N Barman
Project Director (MDM) & Joint Secretary
School Education Department

1) Principal Secretary, GTA-Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council, P.O & Dist.-Darjeeling
2) The Commissioner, KMC, 6, no. S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-13
3) The Commissioner, Labour Deptt., Govt. of West Bengal, New Secretariat Building, 11th floor, Kolkata-18
4-22) District Magistrate … (All)
23) Sub-Divisional Officer, Siliguri, Distrit-Darjeeling
24) The Chairman, Kolkata Primary School Council, 27-A, Bose Pukur Road, Kasba, Kolkata-42
25) The District Inspector of Schools (Secondary) … (All)
28) The District Inspector of Schools (Primary) …. (All)

Sub: Revised rate of Cooking Cost under Mid-Day Meal Scheme.

In continuation of memo no. 301(23)-ES(CMDMP)/Genl-11/2011 dated 15.05.2014, I am directed to inform that the rate of Cooking Cost per child per school day (PCPD) as provided by the Central Government and State Government has been revised with effect from 1st July, 2014, in the following manner:

StageTotal Cost Per MealContribution – CentralContribution – State
Primary (Class I to V)Rs. 3.69Rs. 2.69Re. 1.00
Upper Primary (Class VI to VIII)Rs. 5.38Rs. 4.04Rs. 1.34
NCLPRs. 5.38Rs. 4.04Rs. 1.34

All the Nodal Officers of Mid-Day Meal Scheme are requested to take necessary action so that the revised rate of Cooking Cost takes effect from 1st July, 2014 positively. Cooking Cost will be allowed to schools on the basis of actual average attendance of children.

In this connection, it may be stated that the quantity of rice for Primary schools PCPD is 100 gms. and that of for Upper Primary and NCLP schools is 150 gms.

This may be circulated to all concerned including schools.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Project Director

No. 358-SE dated 17.06.2014

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