Fees for parking will be charged as appended in the table below: Amount chargeable for 24 hours of parking or part thereof (rupees). – All types of trucks – Rs. 200
Government of West Bengal Transport Department 12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata: 700001
No. 413-WT/TPT-18/1/2022 Dated, the 10th February, 2022.
In partial modification of this Department’s earlier Notification No. 358-WT/TPT-18/1/2022 dated 07.02.2022, it is ordered that the rate of parking charges as mentioned in the table at Sl. No. 4 of the said Notification is to be read as:
4. Fees for parking will be charged as appended in the table below:
Sl No
Type of vehicle
Amount chargeable for 24 hours of parking or part thereof (rupees)
Amount chargeable beyond 24 hours of parking (rupees)
This order is issued with concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group-R/2021-2022/0243 dated 09.02.2022 in the interest of public service and will take immediate effect.