
Recognition/ Affiliation of Un-Aided Schools

School Education, , 👁️ 599

The concerned DI of schools or his representatives will have to verify the Treasury Challan as mentioned under SL. 9 of the TR Form -7 in case any school authority approaches them for such verification in the TR challan.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
(Elementary Education Branch)
Bikash Bhawan, 7th floor, Salt lake Kolkata-700091

No. 113(42)-SE (EE)/10M-31/12, Dated: 21.06.2012

1. The District Inspector of schools (Primary Education), Hooghly
2. District Inspector of schools (PE) ………. (all districts, except Hooghly)
3. District Inspector of schools (SE) ………. (all districts)

Sub: Recognition or affiliation of unaffiliated and /or unrecognized unaided schools.

Ref: Memo No. 195/ Primary Education, dated 11/6/2012 from DI (PE) Hooghly.


With reference to above and in continuation of this the Deptt’s No. 424(85)-SE(Pry)/10M- 31/2012 dated 7/5/2012, the following points are clarified:-

1. The concerned DI of schools or his representatives will have to verify the Treasury Challan as mentioned under SL. 9 of the TR Form-7 in case any school authority approaches them for such verification in the TR challan.

2. In case any school is unable to apply online they are also allowed to apply to the concerned District Inspector of Schools as noted below in the format given at schedule of RTE Rules along with copies of supplementary documents as included in the said schedules.

a. In case of recognition of primary schools (from class I to IV) the application is to be submitted to the DI of schools (Primary).
b. In case of recognition of secondary schools (from class V to X) Or H.S Schools (from class V to XII) the application is to be submitted to the DI of schools ( secondary).
c. In case of combined schools (from class I to XII), the application is to be submitted to the DI of schools (secondary).

3. The date of submission of online and off-line application is extended up to 31st July, 2012

4. Name/ Designation & address of the Departmental officer on whose behalf /favour the requisite fees is to be paid as mentioned under SL. No. 7 of the TR Form-7 will be as follows:

a. District Inspector of Schools (Primary), in case of Primary school with class I- IV, Or
b. District Inspector of Schools (secondary), in case of school with class V- XII or integrated school with class I – X Or I – XII. In such cases the fees payable will be as per the rate applicable for primary/ secondary schools in rural or urban areas as the case may be as specified at rules 10(5) of RTE Rules, 2012. In other words the application fees payable for integrated school in rural areas will be Rs. 7000/- (Rupees seven thousand only) and in case of such school located in urban areas the applicable fees will be 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only).

5. The applicant schools who have already submitted on line applications are not required to submit on line application again, but have to submit hard copies of the applications along with the relevant documents as prescribed in the SCHEDULE 1 ( see rule -10) of the RTE Rules to the concerned DI of Schools as noted above, if not already submitted.

6. Copy of the TR Form-7 through which the applicant school will deposit requisite fees may be available in the website of the Finance Deptt., Govt. of West Bengal i.e. www.fin.nic.in. The applicant schools may download the form and fill up accordingly and deposit the same either in the concerned Treasury or in any branch of the SBI.

7. Detailed Account Head as mentioned in the TR Form-7, will be read “2202- Education, Sports, Art and Culture-01-General Education-101-Elementary Education-001-Collection from Elementary education-16-other Fees”

8. 14 Digits Account code as mentioned in the TR Form-7 will be as – 22020110100116

9. On receipt of application Form completed in all respects as per schedule of the RTE Rules, 2012 including copies of receipts of TR challan, the concerned DI of schools will immediately arrange for DLIT inspection as per RTE Rules, 2012 (SCHEDULE 1, PART- K) and send the inspection report to the Jt. Secretary, School Recognition Cell of School Education Deptt, Bikash Bhawan, Kolkata -700091 within a period of 60 days from the date of receipt of the application from the concerned schools.

10. 100 (one hundred) blank application form for recognition of schools with space for incorporation of DLIT inspection report has been sent to you directly through Saraswati Press. The same should be distributed free of cost to intending applicants after recording particulars like date, serial no., name of the school, location, name of the applicant, contact no. record in register. You are requested to open a public counter and Cell for distribution of the blank form and receipt of the filled up application with copy of the TR Challan receipt.

Sd/- Vikram Sen
Principal Secretary

No. 113-SE dated 21.06.2012

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