
Recognition of Un-Aided Schools as per RTE Act

School Education, ,

Any existing unrecognized School failing to apply for recognition within stipulated time will be violating the provision of the RTE Act and appropriate action will be taken.

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Sector-II, DJ-8, KARUNAMOYEE, Kolkata-700091

Memo No. N/S/74, dated 15.06.2012.


In pursuance of Circular No. 424(85)-SE(Pry)/10M-31/2012 dt.07/05/2012, issued by the Govt. of West Bengal in the School Education Department (Primary Branch) and in terms of Rule 10 of the RTE Rule, 2012 it is stated that all the Upper Primary (Class V to Class VIII) schools now run by the private Organisations/ Individuals as unaided schools, which have not yet been recognized by the Board/ Council duly approved by the Central/ State Govt., shall have to submit their applications for recognition in the prescribed format online through the School Education Department’s web portal www.wbsed.gov.in within a period of three months (i.e. within 15/06/2012) positively from the date of publication of RTE Rules, 2012 in the form and manner as specified in the said Rules. Any existing unrecognized School failing to apply for recognition within stipulated time will be violating the provision of the RTE Act and appropriate action will be taken against such Schools as per the provision of the RTE Act, 2009 and Rules made thereunder.

Applicable application fees in Treasury Challan is to be deposited in the nearest Treasury as noted below:-

i) Upper Primary School (Class V to Class VIII) in rural areas Rs.7,000/-.
ii) Upper Primary School (Class V to Class VIII) in urban areas Rs.10,000/-.

The aforesaid fee is payable to Govt. of West Bengal under Code No. ES and A/c Head – “0202-Education, Sports., Art & Culture -01- General Education -800-0ther Receipt -300-Other Collections from General Education – 27- Other Receipts”.

Details of the procedural aspects as to the submission of applications for recognition and their disposal of have been detailed under Rule 10 [Schedule-I] of the West Bengal RTE Rule, 2012, which is also available in the School Education deptt’s website – www.wbsed.gov.in.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education


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