Government of West Bengal
Department of Food & Supplies
Khadyashree Bhavan
11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata 700087
E-file FNS-19099/21/2021-FOOD SEC-Dept. of FNS
No.: 1470-FS/O/sect/IT-30/2018 (Part-I) Date: 07.04.2022
The Department of Food & Supplies has taken a number of beneficiary-centric reformative measures like Aadhaar-linking and biometric authentications in which services are provided at the Fair Price Shops. Also, a number of online facilities like licence renewal, billing, application for death benefit etc. have been provided for the FPS Dealers. On the other hand, in online supply chain management FPS is an important station on which food grains allocation and distribution are based.
However, while an FPS remains a constant entity, the Dealership running the FPS is dynamic due to demise/ surrender of the Dealer or due to official actions like suspension, termination etc. Consequently, at the time of running the aforementioned processes in the Departmental webportal, necessity has been felt to identify the exact FPSs active at a certain point of time, and the Dealers running them.
Therefore, to reconcile the FPS database with the present field reality, a one-time online facility in has been devised for the licensing authorities i.e. the SCF&Ss and ROs to mark statuses of individual FPSs.
A visual step-by-step detailed guideline for SCF&Ss, ROs, DCF&Ss and DDRs is enclosed herewith.
The SCF&S/ ROs will complete their work within 15.04.22 and the DCF&Ss/ DDRs will do theirs within 30.04.22. After completion of work at the field level, reconciliation of the data with live database will be taken up by the Reforms Cell.
Module for creation of new Dealers (compassionate ground), linking of Dealer with FPS and tagging/ de-tagging will be taken up in the next phase.
Encl: As stated
Additional Secretary (IT)
to the Govt. of West Bengal
No. 1470-FS dated 07.04.2022, Source
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