
Recruitment Rules of Assistant Director and Deputy Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices

Consumer Affairs, 👁️ 256

Rules regulating the recruitment to the Group ‘A’ post of Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices and Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices, Government of West Bengal.

Government of west Bengal
Consumer Affairs Department

No. 185-CA Dated Kolkata the 11th February, 2003


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules regulating the recruitment to the Group ‘A’ post of Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices and Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices, Government of West Bengal.


Name of Post: Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices

Method of Recruitment:

(a) By transfer of the officers in the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) having put in 3 years service as such and drawing a pay comparable to that of Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices.


(b) By promotion, in consultation with the Public Service Commission, West Bengal of Deputy Assistant Director of Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices having put in 5 years’ service in the post of Deputy Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices, Assistant Zonal Officer, Revenue Intelligence Directorate, Entry Tax Officer, Assistant Zonal Officer, Entry Tax Directorate taken together, provided that not more that 50 per cent of the posts shall be filled up by transfer.

Name of post: Deputy Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and Fair Business Practices.

Method of Recruitment:

(a) By direct recruitment on the results of the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) etc. Examination from Group ‘C’ posts/ services.


(b) By promotion, in consultation with Public Service Commission, West Bengal of Consumer Welfare Officer of the Directorate of Consumer Affairs And Fair Business Practices having put in 5 years’ service in the post of Consumer Welfare Officer, Inspector of Entry Tax and Inspector of Revenue Intelligence taken together, provided that:-

i) the quota for direct recruitment and promotion shall be 50:50 and, –

ii) qualifications and age for direct recruitment shall be as prescribed and to be prescribed from time to time for WBCS (Exe.) etc. Examination for Group-‘C’ Services and Posts.

By order of the Governor

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 185-CA dated 11.02.2003, Source