Higher Education, Principal , Recruitment đī¸ 584
Recruitment Rules for Direct Recruitment of Principals in the State-aided General Degree Colleges in West Bengal.
No. 222-Edn(CS)/8R-1/2010 Date: Kolkata, the 21st March, 2022
Sub: Recruitment Rules for Direct Recruitment of Principals in the State-aided General Degree Colleges in West Bengal.
Consequent upon recommendation of the University Grants Commission, vide Notification No. F. 1-2/2017, dated 18.07.2018 regarding the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2018 notified in the Gazette of India on 18th July, 2018, prescribing revised rules keeping in mind the local conditions prevailing in the State for direct recruitment to the post of Principal in the State-aided General Degree Colleges was under active consideration of the State Government for some time past.
After careful consideration of all aspects stated above the Governor, in exercise of the power conferred by Section 8(2) of the West Bengal College Service Commission Act, 2017 (West Bengal Act XXIX of 2012), is hereby pleased to direct the following eligibility criteria, qualifications and norms for direct recruitment to the posts of Principal in the State-aided General Degree Colleges in West Bengal.
By Direct Recruitment to be conducted by the West Bengal College Service Commission excepting the Colleges granted minority status through the due process.
As notified by the Government.
i) A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) by a recognized University/ Institutions, along with relaxations applicable to specified categories, as explained in the Note 1 below;
ii) A Ph. D. Degree;
iii) Professor/ Associate Professor with a total service/experience of at least fifteen (15) years of teaching/ research in Universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher education, as clarified in Note 2;
iv) A minimum of 10 research publications in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals;
v) A minimum 110 Research Score as per Appendix II, Table 2 (Methodology for University and College Teachers for calculating Academic/Research Score) of UGC Regulations, 2018;
vi) Any other stipulations prescribed by UGC from time to time as accepted by the State Government on the date of Advertisement.
Relaxation of Marks for Direct Recruitment to the Post of Principal:
i. A relaxation of 5% marks shall be allowed at the Bachelor’s as well as at the Master’s level for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes (OBC) (Non-creamy Layer)/ Differently-abled [(a) Blindness and low vision; (b) Deaf and Hard of Hearing; (c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid-attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness] for the purpose of eligibility and assessing good academic record for direct recruitment.
ii. A relaxation of 5% marks shall be provided (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D Degree holders who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to September 19, 1991.
iii. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above is permissible based on only the qualifying marks, without including any grace mark procedures.
iv. All the essential qualifications must have been obtained from a recognized University/ Institute. By a recognized University/ Institute is meant a University/ Institute affiliated to UGC/ other statutory apex bodies, or recognized by the State or Central Government as a centre of higher learning. In case of a foreign University, the Degree concerned should be recognized as equivalent to its Indian counterpart by the Association of Indian Universities.
Teaching/ Research/ Administrative Experience criteria:
(A) Previous regular service, whether national or international, as Assistant Professor. Associate Professor or Professor or equivalent in a University, College, National Laboratories or other scientific/ professional organisations such as the CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICMR and DBT, should count for the direct recruitment of Principal, provided that-
(a) The essential qualifications of the post held were not lower than the qualifications prescribed here;
(b) The post is/was in an equivalent grade or of the pre-revised scale of pay as the post of Associate Professor (Reader) and Professor;
(c) The concerned Associate Professor or Professor should possess the same minimum qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for appointment to the post of Associate Professor and Professor, as the case may be;
(d) The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down in the Regulations of the University/ State Government/ Central Government/ Institutions concerned, for such appointments;
(e) The previous appointment was not as guest lecturer for any duration;
(f) The previous Ad-hoc or Temporary or contractual service (by whatever nomenclature it may be called) shall be counted for direct recruitment to Principal, provided that-
(i) the essential qualifications of the post held were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC for Associate Professor and Professor, as the case may be;
(ii) the incumbent was appointed on the recommendation of a duly constituted Selection Committee/ Selection Committee constituted as per the rules of the respective university;
(iii) the incumbent was drawing total gross emoluments not less than the monthly gross salary of a regularly appointed Associate Professor or Professor, as the case may be; and
(g) No distinctions shall be made with reference to the nature of management of the institution where previous service was rendered (private/ local body/ Government), while counting the past service under this clause.
(B) The period of time spent by the candidates to acquire M. Phil and/ or Ph.D. Degree shall not be claimed or considered as teaching/research experience for appointment to the post of Principal.
(C) Further the period of active service spent on pursuing Research Degree simultaneously with teaching assignment without taking any kind of leave shall be counted as teaching experience for the purpose of direct recruitment to the post of Principal.
Proficiency in language, spoken and written, concerning the medium of instruction of the concerned institution (language/ medium of instruction shall be indicated by the appointing authority while requisitioning the advertisement).
Not below 40 (forty) years and not above 55 (fifty five) years on the lst day of January of the year of advertisement;
Provided that the upper age-limit may be relaxable for the candidate belonging to the categories of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class (non-creamy layers) and Differently-able categories as per extant rules/ orders of the State Government.
The overall selection procedure shall incorporate a transparent, objective and credible methodology of analysis of the merits and credentials of the applicants based on weightages given to the performance of the candidate in different relevant dimensions and his/her performance on a scoring system based as provided in the UGC Regulations, 2018.
This order supersedes this Department’s Order No. 710-Edn(CS) dated 28.06.2017 and all previous Orders issued in the same context.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Manish Jain
Principal Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal