
Registration Certificate of Applicant Para Teachers

School Education, ,

The applicant-para-teachers are requested to log into www.wbsed.gov.in for downloading and printing Registration Certificates of D.El.Ed. Course for PBSSM-approved para teachers.

Update: Last Date for downloading Registration Certificate: 02.03.2016

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharva Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK – 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

Memo No. 203/BPE/2016 Date: 17.02.2016


This is to notify all the applicant-para-teachers who have submitted their online applications in response to our earlier notifications for registration into the Two Year D.El.Ed. Course for PBSSM-approved para teachers through ODL-mode, that they can download their registration certificates from the website: www.wbsed.gov.in on and from 6:00 p.m. of 17/02/2016.

The applicant-para-teachers are requested to log into the said website and do as directed below, for downloading and printing their respective Registration Certificates.



  1. Name of the District
  2. Name of the Circle
  3. Name of the School
  4. Name of the Para-teacher
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Then, Press ‘ENTER’
  7. After this, ‘print option’ will appear. Now, click on ‘print’ to get a print-out

Note: However,

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 203/BPE date 17.02.2016

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