Registration for Two Year D El Ed Course through ODL mode for the untrained inservice primary teachers, recruited in 2014 through the Sub-Inspectors of Schools of all districts of West Bengal.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK-7/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091
No. 4647(40)/BPE/2014 Date: 10-11-2014
The Chairman/ Chairperson/ District Inspector of Schools (PE)
District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council
All Districts including Siliguri
Sub: Registration of in-service teachers recruited in 2014 for Two Year D El Ed Course.
Ref: Letter of approval, issued by the NCTE, New Delhi, No. 62-3/2011/NCTE/N&S/A93685, dt. 04-09-20I4 & the order of the Government of West Bengal, Department of School Education vide memo no. 1125-SE (EE)/PTTI-7/2011, dt. 27-10-2014.
Sir/ Madam,
With reference to the above, I am directed to inform you that in pursuance of the approval of the NCTE of the scheme of conducting Two Year ODL-course for the in-service primary teachers recruited in 2014, the Government of West Bengal in School Education Department has permitted us to organize the said course in accordance with the norms and standards as prescribed in the letter of approval of the NCTE, through ODL mode all over West Bengal for the untrained inservice teachers.
Accordingly, you are requested to arrange for the registration of such newly recruited untrained teachers through the Sub-Inspectors of Schools of your district in the following manner.
Hope, you will comply with this request and arrange for registration of all students within 25-11-2014.
With thanks,
Enclo.: The prescribed form for Registration/ Admission for the district.
Sd/- Dr R C Bagchi