
Release of Fund relating to Administrative Expenditure for 2022-2023

Finance, 👁️ 160

To release fund up to 100% of the whole year’s Budget Provision for the financial year 2022-23 relating to Administrative Expenditure under Scholarship & Stipends (34-00) for Health & Family Welfare Department.

Finance Department
Budget Branch
Nabanna, Howrah- 711102

No. 280-F.B. Howrah, the 5th July, 2022


In continuation of Fund allotment Memo. No. 1212-FB dated 31.03.2022 read with Memo No. 83-FB dated 10.05.2022, the Governor has now been pleased to decide as follows:

1. (i) To release fund up to 100% of the whole year’s Budget Provision for the financial year 2022-23 relating to Administrative Expenditure for Salary Items (including Salary grants & Wages), Diet (21-01), Drug (21-02), Other Hospital Consumables (21-03), Medical Gases including Oxygen (21-05), Electricity Charges (13-01), Telephone Charges (13-02), Hospital and Sanitary Charges (86-00) and Capitation Fees for Insured Medical Practitioners (28-01).

(ii) To release fund up to 100% of the whole year’s Budget Provision for the financial year 2022-23 relating to Administrative Expenditure under “Scholarship & Stipends (34-00)” for Health & Family Welfare Department.

(iii) To release fund up to 50% of the whole years’ Budget provision for the financial year 2022-23 for other Non-Salary items under Administrative Expenditure except the heads of account related to State Disaster Risk Management Fund (SDRMF) under the major head “2245-Relief on account of Natural Calamities”.

(iv) To release fund up to 100% of whole years’ budget provision for the financial year 2022-23 under “55-Loans and Advances”, for payment of salary/ wages to the employees of the Public Sector Undertakings under the Administrative control of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises and Textiles Department, Information and Cultural Affairs Department, Industry, Commerce & Enterprises Department, Health & Family Welfare Department, Public Enterprises and Industrial Reconstruction Department, Transport Department and Public Works Department, subject to the condition that the drawal in each month will be limited as per actual requirement.

2. Within the powers delegated under Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1977 as amended from time to time or by virtue of the powers delegated in specific cases, the Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities may sanction expenditure out of the Administrative Expenditure except “33-Subsidies” and “55-Loans & Advances”.

3. Regarding release of fund relating to State Development Scheme, limits and instructions as stated in Memo No. 1212-FB dated 31.03.2022 and Memo No. 83-FB dated 10.05.2022 will continue until further order.

4. While issuing orders for sanctioning expenditure in exercise of the powers delegated under this Memorandum, the following sentence should be inserted in such orders “This order issues in exercise of the powers delegated under Finance Department Memo No. 280-FB dated 05.07.2022”.

5. The powers delegated to the Administrative Departments/ controlling Authorities to release fund are subject to restrictions on creation of posts, purchase/ hiring of cars and also other restrictions imposed by the Finance Department are to be observed.

Sd/- M. Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 280-FB dated 05.07.2022, Source