
Release of Teachers Deputed to undergo 2 year D.El.Ed Course

School Education, 👁️ 218

Release all the teachers who have been deputed to undergo the Two year D. El. Ed. Course in the session 2011-2013 in the afternoon on 29.06.2013 so that they are able to join their respective schools in the morning on and from 01.07.2013.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan, DK-7/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091

No. 917(18)/BPE/2013 Date: 25.06.2013

The Principal/Lecturer-in-Charge All DIET/PTTI
P.O. ……………………………………
District. ………………………………

Sub: Release of the Teachers deputed to undergo Two year D.El.Ed. Course – 2011-2013 with effect from 01/07/2013.

Sir/ Madam,

I am directed to request you to release all the teachers in your Institute who have been deputed to undergo the Two year D. El. Ed. Course in the session 2011-2013 in the afternoon on 29/06/2013 (30th June, 2013 being Sunday) so that they are able to join their respective schools in the morning on and from 01/07/2013. You are also requested to inform them that all matters relating to the final (Part – II) Examination, 2013 shall be intimated to them as and when available from this Board.

With thanks,

Sincerely Yours

(Dr. R. C. Bagchi)

No. 917-BPE dated 25.06.2013

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