
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Counselor

Health, 👁️ 292

RMNCH Counselor is being placed at the public sector health facilities under the National Health Mission to play a key role in increasing awareness and generating demand for the various RMNCH services provided at the facilities.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhavan: A-wing, 3rd Floor
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City: Kolkata: 700 091

No. H/SFWB/6A-02-2012/Pt. II/3231(15) Dated: 14th August, 2014

From: Commissioner (Family Welfare) &
Mission Director (NHM),
Health and Family Welfare Department,
Government of West Bengal.

To: 1-14.The Chief Medical Officer of Health
Coochbehar/ Darjeeling/ Uttar Dinajpur/ Dakshin Dinajpur/ Murshidabad/ Nadia/ North 24 Pgs/ South24 Pgs/ Bardhaman/ Purulia/ Bankura/ Howrah/ Birbhum/ Paschim Medinipur &
15. The District Family Welfare Officer, Kolkata.

Sub: Job Description of RMNCH Counselor.


RMNCH Counselor is being placed at the public sector health facilities under the National Health Mission to play a key role in increasing awareness and generating demand for the various RMNCH services provided at the facilities.

It is to be ensured that:-

The duty hours, place and job description of RMNCH Counselor will be:

The service of RMNCH Counselor should not be utilized in any other units of hospital or for any other purpose than that specified below.


Controlling Officer: MSVP in case of Medical College & Hospital and Superintendent in case of District Hospital.

The counselor must submit a report (proforma enclosed) regarding progress of work, monthly, to the MSVP/ Superintendent of the concerned hospital.

MSVP/ Superintendent is requested to provide the stationery required to the counselors.

Yours faithfully,

Commissioner (FW) & Mission Director (NHM)

No. H/SFWB/3231 dated 14.08.2014, Source

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