
Requisition of Colleges and College Staffs for TET, 2015

Higher Education, School Education,

Requisition of colleges and teaching and non-teaching staff of such colleges for TET 2015 (PRIMARY LEVEL TEACHER) to be conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education on 30th August, 2015.

Government of West Bengal
Education Directorate
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

No: ED-471/2015 Dated: Kolkata, the 21st August, 2015

From: Director of Public Instruction
West Bengal

To: The Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge/ Officer-in Charge of Govt and Govt-aided Colleges of West Bengal

Sub: Requisition of colleges and teaching and non-teaching staff of such colleges for TET 2015 (PRIMARY LEVEL TEACHER) to be conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education on 30th August, 2015 and request for active co-operation.

Ref: (i) Letter No. 441-SSE/2015 dt. 12.08.2015 from the Secretary to the Govt of West Bengal, School Education Department, W.B

ii) Letter No. 781-Edn (CS)/10M-65/2015 dt 18.08.2015 from Jt. Secy. the Govt of West Bengal, H.E Dept W.B (copy enclosed)


With reference to the above all Principals/ Teacher-in-Charge/ Officers-in-Charge of Govt. and Govt. Aided Colleges in West Bengal which have been requisitioned as venues for TET 2015 (Primary level) organized by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education are requested to extend active co-operation for conducting the above stated examination peacefully and successfully. For that purpose all concerned are hereby requested to take personal care to ensure his/her participation in the process of examination on 30th August, 2015 with his/her teaching and non-teaching employees and office structure with top priority and utmost care.

This may be treated as extremely urgent.

Director of Public Instruction
West Bengal

No. ED-471 dated 21.08.2015

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