School Education, Teacher Eligibility Test
For the holding Second Primary TET Examination, to be held be 30th day of March, (Sunday), 2014, all the high and higher secondary schools in the state will be required.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 001
No. 1961/BPE/2014 Date: 18.02.2014
The Honourable Minister-in-Charge
Department of School Education
Government of West Bengal
Bikash Bhavan, 5th floor,
Sub: Requisition for venues/centres of Second Primary TET Examination.
Ref.: Memo of the Department of School Education. No. 146-SE(ET)/10-M-6/2009 dt. 06-2-2014.
With due honour, I would like to inform you that the Second Primary TET Examination in terms of the said Memo of the Department of School Education will be held on the 30th day of March, (Sunday), 2014.
For the holding of the said examination all the high and higher secondary schools in the state will be required.
Therefore, I request you to do the needful to arrange all such schools in the state as venues/ centres of TET Examination 2014 and necessary orders may also be kindly issued to ensure the services of all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the schools for the aforesaid purpose.
Hope, you will do the needful.
With regards,
Sincerely yours,