
Restrictions and Relaxations during Lockdown in West Bengal

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Intra-state (inter-district) movement of government and private buses w.e.f. 01/06/2020, with passengers not more than the actual seating capacity of the bus. No passenger shall be allowed to travel standing in the bus.

Government of West Bengal
Nabanna, Howrah

Memo No. 218-CS/ 2020 Dated: 30/05/2020

Whereas, following the extension of nationwide lockdown up to 31/05/2020, Government of West Bengal issued certain directives and clarifications vide Memo No. 177-CS/ dated 18/05/2020 regarding restrictions and relaxations for implementation of lockdown measures to contain and combat COVID-19;

Whereas it is felt necessary to continue to implement the lockdown in the Affected Areas (containment zones) to effectively contain the spread of COVID-19 and simultaneously open up activities in other areas for socio-economic revival;

Whereas, Government of West Bengal has decided to extend the lockdown for another two weeks i.e. up to 15/06/2020 with furthers relaxations with conditions;

Therefore, in continuation of Memo No 177-CS/2020 dated 18/05/2020, following restrictions and relaxations shall apply during the period of lockdown:

1) The existing restrictions and interventions notified under Memo No 177-CS/2020 Dated 18/05/2020 shall continue to be in force for the areas designated as Affected Area (Category-A) as per the containment plan.

2) All activities permitted in Clear Area (Category-C) vide Memo No 177-CS/2020 dated 18/05/2020 shall be allowed in the Buffer Area (Category-B) w.e.f. 01/06/2020.

3) Following additional relaxations are allowed over and above as contained in Memo No 177-CS/2020 dated 18/05/2020 in the area outside the Affected Area:

i) Operations in Tea Gardens including associated activities of tea industry with 100% strength of workers w.e.f. 01/06/2020.

ii) Operations in Jute Mills with 100% strength of workers w.e.f. 01/06/2020.

iii) Operations in micro, small, medium and large industries including mining activities with 100 % of strength of workers w.e.f. 01/06/2020.

iv) Construction activities with 100% of strength of workers w.e.f. 01/06/2020.

v) Intra-state (inter-district) movement of government and private buses w.e.f. 01/06/2020, with passengers not more than the actual seating capacity of the bus. No passenger shall be allowed to travel standing in the bus. All passengers shall wear face masks and gloves during the entire journey.

vi) Opening of places of worship in consultation with local police station w.e.f. 01/06/2020. Not more than 10 persons at a time shall be permitted to enter the premises. Gathering or assembly of people shall not be allowed in the said premises.

vii) Indoor and outdoor activities related to TV and cinema production, barring reality show production, including for web-portal and OTT platforms, with not more than 35 persons per unit at a time w.e.f. 01/08/2020.

viii) Functioning of Government offices with 70% strength on a day on rotation basis w.e.f. 08/06/2020.

ix) Operations of private offices and establishments w.e.f. 08/06/2020 with number of workers as decided by the management. However, work from home should be encouraged.

x) Operations in hotels, restaurants w.e.f 08/06/2020.

xi) Opening of shopping malls w.e.f. 08/06/2020

Norms of social distancing and health hygiene protocol must be strictly followed. Management Committees, Trustee Boards, Governing Bodies and Owners of private institutions, organisations and establishments shall be responsible for compliance of the stated norms and guidelines.

Any violation in compliance of norms of social distancing, health protocol and wearing of masks may lead to withdrawal of relaxations provided herein as well as attract penal action as per law.

Chief Secretary

Government of West Bengal
Nabanna, Howrah

Memo No 219-CS/2020 Dated 30/05/2020


The date in Point no 3 (vii) in Memo No 218-CS/2020 dated 30/05/2020 should be read as 01/06/2020 instead of 01/08/2020.

Chief Secretary

No. 218-CS/2020 dated 30.05.2020, Source

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