Environment, Victoria Memorial Hall
At the time of issuance of Trade Licences to the hotels and restaurants situated within a radius of three kilometres of Victoria Memorial Hall, that such units should use LPG fuel for their cooking purpose.
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata -700 001
No. EN/676/T-VIII-6/003/2007, Dated: March 24th 2008
In conformity with the judgement passed by the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta, in connection with W.P. No. 7987 (W) of 2002 (Howrah Ganatantrik Nagarik Samity-Vs-Union of India & Ors.), the West Bengal Pollution Control Board (hereinafter will he referred to as the ‘State Board’), is now hereby directed to impose a condition that at the time of issuance of ‘Consent to Operate’ to any existing hotel and restaurant situated within a radius of three kilometers of Victoria Memorial Hall that such units should use LPG fuel for their cooking purpose and in respect of new hotels and restaurants, at the time of issuance of ‘Consent to Establish’ similar condition should be imposed.
2. Kolkata Municipal Corporation is also directed to impose a condition upon all the hotels and restaurants situated within a radius of three kilometres of Victoria Memorial Hall at the time of issuance of Trade Licences that such units should use LPG fuel for their cooking purpose and in case of any failure, the Trade Licenses will be withdrawn and regulatory order will be issued.
3. Kolkata Police should also ensure that at the time of issuance of any permission for operation of hotel or restaurant situated within a radius of three kilometers from the Victoria Memorial Hall, similar condition as referred above may be imposed and, from time to time, monitoring may be done by the Kolkata Police for implementation of the order of the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta.
By Order,
Sd/- M.L. Meena
Principal Secy. to the
Govt. of West Bengal
Department of Environment