West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 2199/BPE/2016 Date: 23/09/2016
This is to notify for all concerned that the result of the D. EL. ED. Part-II Examination, 2015, session 2013-2015 held in the month of November, 2015 has been published on the website www.wbbpe.org on this 23rd September day of 2016.
The Heads of all the DIET/Govt./Govt.Spon./Govt.Aided institutions are requested to come personally or send their authorised representatives to receive the Mark Sheets of D. El. Ed. Part-II Examination, 2015, session 2013-2015 on and from 28th September, 2016 (Wednesday) on any working day during office hours from West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
In case of Self-financed Non-Government Institutions only the approved Head of the institutions are requested to receive the Mark Sheets of D. El. Ed. Part-II Examination, 2015, session 2013-2015. The Heads of the Institutions must carry their photo Identity Card issued by the competent authority to avoid impersonation.
Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi
No. 2199/BPE dated 23.09.2016
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