
Revised Curriculum & Syllabus of D.El.Ed. Course

School Education, 👁️ 381

The President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education, notifies hereby the introduction of the Newly Revised Two Year D.El.Ed curriculum and syllabi from the academic session-2014-16 which starts on and from July-01, 2014.

Download: Revised Syllabus of D.El.Ed

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 3204/BPE/2014 Date: 23/06/2014


Whereas the Secretary, Department of School Education, Government of West Bengal in his Memo No. 263-SSE/13, Date: 18-04-13 has requested the President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education, to consider the acceptability of the draft Two Year D.El.Ed Curriculum in terms of the NCFTE-2009-guidelines in the context of the West Bengal Scenario of Teacher Education.

And, whereas suggestions for revision of the said curriculum along the guidelines of the NCFTE-2009 became imperative for West Bengal Board of Primary Education in order to let the elementary teacher education curriculum keep pace with the projected changes in the School education curriculum along the guidelines of the NCF-2005.

And whereas, the West Bengal Board of Primary Education in view of the necessity of the changes/revision in the existing Two Year D.El.Ed Curriculum, placed the draft twice in workshops of the national and state level experts of international recognition for reviewing the draft in the light of the needs of the teachers transacting the new elementary school education curriculum and also, in the light of the NCFTE-2009-guidelines.

And, whereas the WBBPE has revised and rewritten the said curriculum and syllabus in accordance with the recommendations and suggestions of both the national level and state level experts and submitted the same to the Department of School Education in duplicate on May, 2014 for permission for notification of the same.

And whereas, the said School Education department has permitted formally the introduction of the said revised curriculum and the courses of study and syllabi from July-2014 (Vide their Memo No. 620-SE (EE)/DIET-3/2014, Date: 23-06-14).

The President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education, notifies hereby the introduction of the Newly Revised Two Year D.El.Ed curriculum and syllabi from the academic session-2014-16 which starts on and from July-01, 2014.

The revised curriculum will be available on the official website of the WBBPE with the publication of the Notification on the website: www.wbbpe.org & www.wbsed.gov.in.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

Suggestions for improvement are also being invited from all corners.

Sd/- President

No. 3204/BPE dated 23.06.2014

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