Officers of the West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service cadre to move to pre-revised scale No. 19 (Pay Band No – 5 with Grade Pay – 8700/-) who have completed 25 years of continuous and satisfactory service with effect from – 1.12.2012.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
Dental Branch
“B” Wing, 3rd Floor, G.N.- 29, Sector – V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata
HF/O/Dental/148/2D-16/2013 dated 11.06.2013
The question for movement to pre-revised scale No. 19 of the officers of the West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service cadre has been under consideration for some time past.
2. After careful consideration of the matter the Governor has been pleased to allow the officers of the West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service cadre to move to pre-revised scale No. 19 (Pay Band No – 5 with Grade Pay – 8700/-) who have completed 25 years of continuous and satisfactory service with effect from – 1.12.2012 subject to approval of Departmental Promotion Committee.
3. This order is issued in terms of Finance Departments memorandum No. 10581-F(P) dated 28.12.2012 and No. 3101-F(P) dated 07.04.2013.
4. All concerned are informed.
Sd/- Rabin Maity
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
Dental Branch
“B” Wing, 3rd Floor, G.N.- 29, Sector – V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata
HF/O/Dental/149/2D-16/2013 dated 11.06.2013
In pursuance of F.D. Memo No. 10581-F(P) dated 28.12.2012 and No. 3101-F(P) dated 07.04.2013 the undersigned is directed by the Higher Authority to invite application on appropriate proforma by way of filling up the annexed proforma – 1 from the officers of the West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service cadre who have completed 25 years of continuous and satisfactory service and enable to get 25 years C.A.S. benefit with effect from-1.12.2012 subject to approval of Departmental Promotion Committee.
2. Thee Principals/ Directors/ C.M.O.H./ Competent Authority must ensure that the candidate is eligible for 25 years CAS benefit.
3. This Memo is required to be circulated among all Dental Teachers/ Dental Surgeons, in your Institution/ District.
4. All concerned are informed.
Sd/- Rabin Maity
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal