Heads of all recognised Secondary Institutions (Govt., Govt. Sponsored and Non-Govt.) are informed that the Schools will follow revised Schedule of Summative and Formative Evaluation.
WEST BENGAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ‘Nivedita Bhavan’, Karunamoyee Block-DJ-8, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091
No.: 91/Admin/16 Date: 13.5.16
To: The Heads of all recognised Secondary Institutions (Government, Government Sponsored and Non-Govt.) in West Bengal
In reference to the Board’s earlier notification vide memo no. 89/Admin/16, dated 11.05.2016 it has been decided that the Schools will follow the following revised Schedule of the summative & formative evaluation.
Revised Schedule of Summative evaluation for the Schools for 2016
Upto Class IX
Existing Schedule
Revised Schedule
First Summative Evaluation
April, 2016
To be completed in between 13th June, 2016 and 22nd June, 2016
Second Summative Evaluation
August, 2016
To be completed within 7th September, 2016
Third Summative Evaluation
December, 2016
To be completed within the month of December, 2016 (not to be held before first week of December, 2016)
Class X
Existing Schedule
Revised Schedule
First Summative Evaluation
April, 20l6
To be completed in between 13th June, 201 6 and 22nd June, 201 6
Second Summative Evaluation
August, 2016
To be completed within 7th September, 2016
Third Summative Evaluation
December, 2016
To be completed within 3rd December, 2016
* Formative Evaluation pattern will follow accordingly.