The judgement has upheld transgenders’ right to decide their self-identified gender i.e. male, female or as Third gender as a way of safeguarding and enforcing appropriately their rights under the Constitution.
University Grants Commission
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg
New Delhi-110002
No. F.14-8/2014 (CPP-II) 20th October, 2014
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its landmark judgement dated 15th April, 2014 in W.P. (Civil) No. 400 of 2012 and No. 604 of 2013 acknowledged the widespread discrimination and deprivation suffered by Transgender Community (TG) in Indian Society and ordered a slew of affirmative actions so as to fast-track the realization of their human rights and mainstream the entire community which has been terribly marginalized over centuries.
The judgement has upheld transgenders’ right to decide their self-identified gender i.e. male, female or as Third gender as a way of safeguarding and enforcing appropriately their rights under the Constitution. Accordingly, the UGC has directed all the Universities to include a column for transgenders under gender category in all applications, forms, academic testimonials and all other relevant documents processed and issued by them as well as its affiliated colleges.
All the Bureaus of Commission are also requested to ensure that the proformas of all the schemes being modified by them, have a column for the transgender, in gender category.
Sd/- Dr. Hamang A. Desai
Education Officer