Panchayats and Rural Development, Solid Waste , Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Roles and responsibility of Gram Panchayats in establishing a proper system of management and disposal of solid waste including plastic waste within their jurisdictions.
Government of West Bengal
Panchayats & Rural Development Department
Joint Administrative Building, (6th to 9th Floors)
Block- HC-7, Sector-III, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-700106
Memo No: 853/RD/PH&S/S/2C-1/2016(Part-II) Date: 16/02/2017
Whereas in terms of the provisions of the State Operational Guidelines of Mission Nirmal Bangla read with the guidelines of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), it is stipulated to adopt proper management of Solid Waste in order to improve the cleanliness, hygiene and general quality of life in rural areas by setting up of scientific disposal system of solid waste for sustainable impact on the environment;
Whereas, clause (a) of subsection (2) of section-19 of the West Bengal Panchayat Act, 1973 read with rule 37 of the West Bengal Panchayat (Gram Panchayat Administration) Rules, 2004 confers upon all the Gram Panchayats of the State, the duties and responsibilities of sanitation, conservancy and drainage and the prevention of public nuisance and also to build and maintain a system of collection, removal and disposal of Solid Waste from residential, commercial or institutional buildings;
Whereas, the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, recently notified vide No. S.O. 1357 (E), dated 08.04.2016 has sought to provide a regulatory framework for management of solid waste in all areas also earmarking the responsibilities of various stakeholders in adherence to the stated framework;
Whereas, the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, recently notified vide No. S.O. 320 (E), dated 18.03.2016 has sought also to provide a regulatory framework for management of Plastic waste in all areas;
Whereas, all the above regulations delineate specific roles and responsibility of the Gram Panchayats in establishing a proper system of management and disposal of solid waste including plastic waste within their respective jurisdictions;
Now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred u/s 212 of the West Bengal Panchayat Act, 1973 the Governor is pleased to order that every Gram Panchayat-
i) Shall build and maintain a system of collection, removal and disposal of solid wastes including plastic waste from all the residential, commercial or institutional buildings within their jurisdiction.
ii) For the purpose of the above, shall endeavor to prepare a Gram Panchayat Solid Waste Management Plan as an integral part of its Annual Plan till 100% of the area under Gram Panchayat is brought under coverage.
iii) Shall arrange for door to door collection of solid waste including plastic waste after segregation at source of biodegradable, non-biodegradable and domestic hazardous waste from all households and buildings.
iv) Shall set up material recovery and secondary storage facility with sufficient place for sorting of recyclable materials and also arrange for separate bins/ receptacles for biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste to be used at household level and by waste pickers.
v) Shall facilitate construction, operation and maintenance of solid waste processing facilities and associated infrastructure on their own with/without private sector participation.
vi) Shall adopt suitable technology for waste processing in adherence to the Government guidelines issued from time to time.
vii) Shall prescribe user fee after incorporation of such provision in their Bye-laws and collect such fee on its own or through authorized agency.
viii) Shall encourage integration of existing network of SHGs in SWM management including door to door collection of solid waste including plastic waste. For this purpose, Gram Panchayat will provide identity cards to SHG members and arrange for appropriate uniform, gloves, masks and tools to all workers. There must also be arrangements in place for their regular medical checkup, immunization and effort to bring them under appropriate insurance cover.
ix) Shall establish a system of disposal of non-biodegradable waste collected to the authorized waste recycler(s).
x) Shall take necessary action to impose restrictions on sate, distribution and use of plastics of carry bags made of recycled plastic below permissible thickness, i.e less than 50 microns within the area of Gram Panchayat.
xi) Shall generate public awareness through extensive IEC on the following issues-
a) Not to litter the surrounding including households, public places, drains, water bodies, amusement parks, tourist spots etc.
b) Not to use carry bags made up of recycled plastics below permissible thickness, i.e less than fifty microns.
c) Minimizing generation of waste in general.
d) Practice segregation of waste at source and their storage in separate receptacles.
e) To hand over segregated waste to authorized waste pickers to be notified by each Gram Panchayat.
f) Reuse the waste to the extent possible through home composting, vermi-composting and community level composting.
g) To ensure that open burning of plastic and other waste does not take place.
The Gram Panchayat shall make adequate provision of fund for capital investment as well as operation and maintenance of the set ups created for solid waste management in their annual budget. Fund for the community level processing units may be booked against allocations of SBM(G)/Mission Nirmal Bangla, 14th Finance Commission Grant and own source revenue of the Gram Panchayat. MGNREGA fund may also be dovetailed as part of the convergent initiative for setting up of the Central Processing Unit. Resource for the household level composting units may also be made available from MGNREGA programme. For taking up of community level set ups, detailed DPRs shall be prepared by the Gram Panchayats and sent for vetting by the State Government. The set ups will only be started after training of the officials and workers.
Gram Panchayats may also frame bye-laws and prescribe criteria for levying spot fine for persons littering and failing to adhere to the stipulations introduced within their jurisdiction and authorize officials for collection of such fine.
This order shall take immediate effect.
By order of the Governor,
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal