
ROPA for Principals and Lecturers of Polytechnics in West Bengal

Technical Education and Training, , , 👁ī¸ 1046

Revision of pay-scales for Principals and Lecturers of Government and Government Sponsored Polytechnics in West Bengal w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

Government of West Bengal
Technical Education, Training and Skill Development Department
Karigari Bhavan, Plot B/7, Action Area III,
New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata- 700160

No. 1412-TET(Poly)/5P-10/2019 (Pt I) Date: December 24, 2019

From: Suparna Kr Roychoudhury, WBCS (Exe)
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: Director of Technical Education & Training, West Bengal

Sub: Revision of pay-scales for Principals and Lecturers of Government and Government Sponsored Polytechnics in West Bengal w.e.f. 01.01.2016

The Undersigned is directed to say that the Governor has been pleased to accord sanction to the revised Pay-structures for Principals and Lecturers of Government and Government Sponsored Polytechnics of West Bengal notionally w.e.f. 01.01.2016 keeping in view the recommendation of AICTE Regulation, vide The Gazette of India: Extraordinary [Part III-Sec. 4], New Delhi dated March 01, 2019 as accepted by the Government keeping in view the local condition with actual financial effect from 01.01.2020.

1. Categories of Employees for whom this order will be applicable:

All regular Principals and Lecturers of Government and Government-sponsored Polytechnics in West Bengal will be covered under the revised Pay structure.

2. Level of posts:

From the date of commencement of this order the Level of posts shall be determined in accordance with the various Levels as assigned to the corresponding existing Pay Band and Grade Pay as specified in the Pay Matrix under Schedule I.

3. Drawal of Pay in Revised Pay Structure:

The revised pay structure shall be applicable to the above mentioned category of posts which the employees are holding as on 01.01.2016 or to which he is appointed on or after 1st day of January, 2016.

4. Exercise of option:

(1) There shall be no option to retain the existing pay structure. All employees mentioned in para I above shall come under the revised pay structure from 01.01.2016.

Provided that: (i) in the case of an employee, who is on leave or on deputation or on foreign service, he shall get his pay fixed in the revised pay structure from 01.01.2016 on his return from such leave or deputation or foreign service, as the case may be: and

(ii) where an employee is under suspension he shall get his pay fixed in the revised pay structure from the date of his return to his duty.

Note 1: An employee, who died on or after the 1st day of January, his pay in the revised pay structure shall be fixed from the 1st day of January, 2016 notionally and his pensionary benefits may be settled as per the provisions of para 16 of this order.

5. Pay Matrix and Fixation of Revised Pay:

Based on the recommendation of the AICTE, the revised Pay-Structure is reproduced as follows:

The new pay structure shall involve a pay matrix with an ascending series of levels and ascending cells in each level. The new pay matrix shall subsume the pay band and grade pay in one simple chart as given in Schedule – I. The pay matrix shall comprise of two dimensions – a horizontal range of levels starting from the lowest level in the hierarchy and ascending to the highest level, with the levels being numbered from 9A to 13A1 covering Principals and Lecturers of Govt. & Govt.-sponsored Polytechnics in West Bengal. Within each level, the salary increases as one goes down vertically, with each progression of going down represented by a “Cell”. Each Cell within that level represents the steps of annual financial progression. On recruitment / promotion, an employee shall join at a particular level and progress within the level as per the vertical range. The movement shall be based on annual increments till the time of his /her next promotion. When the employee will receive a promotion, he/she will progress to the next level in the horizontal range till it exhausts.

To fix the pay of an Employee in the Pay Matrix as on 1st January 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Academic Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st December. 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest Rupee and the figure so arrived at will be located in the applicable level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any Cell in the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such Cell is available in the applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher Cell in that applicable Level of the Pay Matrix. If the figure arrived at in this manner is less than the first Cell in that Level, then the pay shall be fixed at the first Cell of that applicable Level of Pay Matrix (See Schedule-I).

6. Payment of arrears:

Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this regulation/ order, or in any other rules/ orders for the time being in force, no arrears of pay to which an employee may be entitled in respect of the period from the 1st day of January, 2016 to the 31st day of December, 2019, shall be paid to the employee.

7. Date of next increment in revised pay structure:

In respect of all employees mentioned in para 1. there shall be a uniform date of annual increment, as existing now and such date of annual increment shall be the 1st day of July of every year. Provided that an employee completing 6 (six) months or more in the revised pay structure shall be eligible to be granted increment.

8. Fixation of pay:

Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 01.01.2016 and the mode of payment consequent upon the fixation of pay in the revised pay-structure shall made to the terms and conditions as laid down in the Finance Department notification No. 5562-F the 25th September, 2019.

9. House Rent Allowance:

With effect from the 1st January, 2020, the house rent allowance admissible to the employee shall be 12% of his revised basic pay, subject to a maximum of Rs. 12,000/- per month. The ceiling of house rent allowance drawn by husband and wife together shall also be raised to Rs. 12,000/- per month. The term basic pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay level in the Pay Matrix and do not include Special Allowance or any other type of pay. The existing terms and conditions of drawl of house rent allowance by Government employees living in their own house or in a rented house shall continue to apply. Subject to continuance of the existing terms and conditions regulating drawl of house rent allowance by employees provided with accommodation owned/ hired by the Government and recovery of license fee from them, the following condition shall be there, as existing now, in respect of such category of employees: When a Government accommodation being in a habitable condition in all respect with appropriate supply of water, power and toilet arrangements for individual families and such a Government accommodation is earmarked for holder of a particular post, the holder will not be entitled to house rent allowance for living elsewhere.

10. Medical Allowance:

i. The existing rate of Medical Allowance will be revised to Rs. 500/- per month in respect of employees and pensioners with effect from 1st January’, 2020.

ii. The present limit towards reimbursement of the cost of medicine on each occasion of indoor treatment shall be Rs. 3500/- with effect from 1st January, 2020.

iii. Those who will opt for the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008, will not be entitled to the benefits stated at (i) above.

11. Hill Compensatory Allowance:

Hill Compensatory Allowance will be admissible @ 12% of revised basic pay subject to maximum of Rs. 2000/- per month with effect from 01.01.2020.

12. Winter Allowance:

Rs. 3,000/- per annum will be admissible as Winter Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2020.

13. Hill Compensatory Relief:

Hill Compensatory Relief will be admissible @ 12% of basic revised pension subject to maximum of Rs. 1000/- per month with effect from 01.01.2020.

14. Winter Relief:

Rs. 1500/- per annum will be admissible as Winter Relief w.e.f. 01.01.2020. The benefits of para 12 to 15 are admissible to those employees/ pensioners who are in receipt of the same as per Govt. orders issued in this respect.

15. Pension, Gratuity, Family Pension, GPF, Leave Encashment and Other Pensionary Benefits shall be extended to the mentioned category of employees and will be guided by the extant rules of the State Government.

16. Fixation of Initial Pay Statement (Schedule-II) and ready reckoner tables (Schedule-I) are enclosed.

17. While fixing pay in the revised pay structure w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in respect of any employee mentioned in para I an undertaking in the following manner should be obtained from the concerned employee.


‘I hereby undertake that in the event of my pay having been fixed in a manner contrary to the provisions of this order, as detected subsequently, any excess payment so made shall be refunded by me to the Government either by adjustment against future payments due to me or otherwise’.

This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide U.O. No. Group P1/2019-20/0317 dated 24.12.2019.

Principal A.G. of West Bengal and all concerned are being informed.

Sd/- S K Roychoudhury
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Note: The end-points of any column do not signify the end points of the pay received at that level. As was the case in the earlier provision of traditional pay scales, the last point does not represent the maximum pay of that level for calculation purposes. The end-points of the column should not be treated as the maximum and minimum of a pay-scale to calculate the average pay for any level.

No. 1412-TET dated 24.12.2019, Source

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