
Sanction and Approval of Teacher in Higher Secondary Section

School Education, 👁️ 529

The Council (WBCHSE) is authorized to give academic approval for the subjects to be taught in each school in Higher Secondary level and the CSE, WB has the authority to sanction the post.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
(Secondary Branch)

No. 1130-SE(S)/3S-13/2010 Dated: 19.08.2013


As there are some problems faced by various schools regarding sanction and approval of teaching posts in H.S. section of govt. aided/ sponsored schools. The Council (WBCHSE) is authorized to give academic approval for the subjects to be taught in each school in Higher Secondary level and the CSE, WB has the authority to sanction the post. At Present the School Authority is asked to submit the sanction of post of a subject for receiving approval but the CSE,WB cannot sanction post unless the Council (WBCHSE) allows the subject to be taught in the school. There the School authorities face a great difficulty in getting subject approval.

To rationalize the process it is decided that the Directorate of School Education, West Bengal is the competent authority to select the subjects to be taught in a school on the basis of the reports received from the concern DIS (SE), who prepares the report on Physical Inspection and discussion with the School Authority.

As the Council (WBCHSE) is the academic authority in introducing subjects to be taught, the CSE, WB will send recommendation to the Council (WBCHSE). The Council will allot subjects to the schools on the basis of the recommendation and other aspects if they may desire to consider.

On receiving approval of subjects the CSE, WB will propose for the teaching posts to be sanctioned on the basis of the reports received from the DIS (SE) concern, based on the staff pattern and availability of teaching posts. Under no circumstances the Council (WBCHSE) will withdraw approval of any subject without approval of the Department/ Directorate.

The concern DIS (SE) while sending the proposal for approval of subjects will consider infrastructure and availability of teachers in the school so that a minimum number of teachers will be required to sanction and also consider the socio-economic structure in the locality, subjects taught in other schools in the vicinity and subjects taught in the colleges nearby, so that students may get a wide range of subjects to opt and get facilities to get admission for higher education. The proposal will include – subjects to be introduced, teachers to be placed on priority basis, Laboratory grant or Lab-Attendant if any required.

This order is issued with the approval of Hon’ble Minister-in-charge of this Department.

Sd/- Asim Kumar Bhattacharya
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1130-SE dated 19.08.2013

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